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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I know i've been a real bad girl...

I am feeling so bored these few days!!!!
:( Cos baby got his SIM card confiscated, so no messages.
I miss smsing him soo much! My fingers itch.

Good thing school's fine for me, so it isn't that bad. HEh.
At least he called me just now...
Can't wait for Saturday! Hopefully Friday too, when i can see him again. :D

Yup, supposed to be studying now, but i'm blogging a little first! AHHa.

Listening to my old songs now.
Reminiscing the days when i laid on bed listening to dem old songs while waiting for his calls.
AHha. YUp, i tend to think a lot about last year nowadays. How i dislike Sec 4 life.

OH YEAH, i wonder why people like to spam others' blogs so much.
Sneaky like hell, hiding in their little holes criticising people behind their computer screens instead of talking frontline.
I for one, can safely say that i have never spammed people's blogs before, no matter how much they are against me.
Cos yeah, i don't hate. Find proof!

Grace! I think really, those people trying to make life miserable by spamming little rubbish tags are just being silly. Let them kids play alright? They probably arrived at the wrong playground. :D

Spammers/ANONYMOUS people will never reveal their names, cos they themselves are afraid too. Like that super act-smartass anonymous who so faithfully came to my blog the other time to tag so many times, talked about confronting and stuff, but in the end went back to her little hiding place.
Exactly like a little mouse. :) Ahha, i wanna laugh, thinking about it now.
Cos yeah. Spammers are DOWNRIGHT UGLY fellas.
Bye bye to pretty and everything beautiful for you all!

Okiee, was bothered by spammers that's why i blogged, actually.
And cos i'm thinking of things to do to avoid thinking too much of boyfriend!
I miss him awfully.
HEh. Then i should be studying right... hmm. Not very effective strategy.

I need a SUDOKU book!
I have just started getting addicted to doing SUDOKU on my DS.
But only after exams then will i be able to get my book!!! Ugh. So i have to wait.

I love fresh milk. ;D magnolia!

Byeee. I feel happy. =)
Seven Years by Saosin is like meaningful.
Go listen!! Heck if it's screamo music.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Flames to dust, lovers to friends...

It's such a happy happy day today! :D
Haha. Skipping school was so not worthed it, but whatever.
International Friendship Day is UNNECESSARY.

Yup, so i woke up like at mid day and went off to 'surprise' baby at Serangoon!
Went to his school, turns out i was 1 hour later than their dismissal time, so i walked to his home, turns out he didn't go to school either! Hheh.
i have such perfect direction memory! AHha.

Then baby looked so sleepy when i saw him. Haha super cute. :)

I finally saw JOCKAY JR!!! Jockay Jr is the bear i gave baby during our first few months together.

I haven't seen him/her(we can't decide for its sex still) for MONTHS!
Gotta go shopping for its new clothes sooon!!

Baby showed me the card girl X wrote for him.
Your smile is so charming it can melt any hearts.
I adore how you are so dutious and loving towards your girl.
I think i'm falling for you.
Omg so flirty, i seriously detest such people.
Why must girls get so irritatingly despo for guys nowadays?
Can't they just get their dirty itty bitty paws away from boyfriends?
And those motherhens who keep smsing him. ARGGGHHH.

Lazed around, yup, then he bathed and we went off for lunch!
Then to my house!

Yay yay he's having sleepover at my houseee tonight!!

Whooppeeee yaya.

Mummy bought so many snacks for midnight-snacking and DVD time!
Can't wait to pop some poppycorns in the microwave oven later!
Hot and salty poppycorns while watching NO RESERVATIONS. Bomb bomb.
Not to forget chocolates and rootbeer!!


OKay, so i'm like taking off time to blog now.

Oh the body shop's shampoos are like really good!
Like mummy noticed my scalp was getting oily, so i tried out some grass-scent shampoo, and it immediately became normal again!!
Amaazing!! Ahha. My hair smelt a little like grass though. But sweet-smelling no doubt. :)

After finishing with my biotherm skincare, i'll probably try out body shop's products, then wait till mummy goes to Japan to get me Kose, Shiseido or Kiehl's!


I'm getting a little tired.

Gonna have to stay awake for a midnight movie!!

I'm gonnna spend time with my baby now! :]
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Love of my life, you tore me apart...

Don't even know how to start with talking about it.
It was like today and yesterday was soo... no good at all.
Am feeling downcasted somehow.

But anyway, yeah.
I didn't get an A for my 2.4km run like how i've aimed!
Never gonna run with music man, a total distraction!! And i think i'll run better without music.
Yup, and i surpassed my targetted timing with flying colours man.
Guess i'll just have to stick with a B and be contented with it.

Ahha! So yup, no music when i run! Fergie all the way, no wonder.

My poor poor Ducky sprained her ankle!!
Saw her sitting on the floor while i ran my rounds, and i thought she was having cramps or something.
Turns out she sprained her bloody ankle which swelled up to the size of pig trotters! (eew that's like real gross.)
But anyway, yeah. So immediately after i ran, took Ducky with Kiru to the office.
She weighs a ton man. I almost collapsed. Haha, maybe cos i was too tired la.
Then i gotta carry her bag and file which were probably loaded with GOLD.
Heh. :D

DUCKY!!! I hope you're fine! Missed you a little in class... NOT.
HAha. OKie, so just nurse your broken webbed feet well ah!

Ran so much around without resting, my face practically turned blue-black!
I thought i was gonna faint. HAH, but jockee tan where got so weak one! :)

Then stupid History lesson. Even though LSB didn't come, he didn't forget to include torment for his lesson.
We had to do this stupid essay which i just rushed out. Guess it was rather messy, not to mention OUT OF POINT.

Assembly seriously sucked. I slept.

OKay, ahh. Then i uh, MISSED (not exactly pon la, right??) the career fair or something and came home to sleep. Bought some food and drinks for myself, cos i felt so weak. Didn't eat at all since yesterday night, till like dinner time today?!

Haha, and the saddest thing of all is that, the 9PM show on CHANNEL 8 has ended today!!!
Man, i really like the show la. HAha.

Oh before that Mummy brought me to the supermarket to buy cereal and milk for tomorrow. :)
Cereal to MOST PROBABLY makan (in class! hehheh.) for chinese intensive. Waste time.
TSk. Then i went to make new SPECTACLES!

Hehe, i made like NERD specs, totally black. HEh.
Love it. But i can like only collect it on Mon. So long...

Got cupcakes again today, cos mummy decided to be nice. :D

Cupcakes sure do cheer up sad days. :]

Yeah, seeing so many people feel sad this few days makes me sad too.
I wonder why the world is such a sad sad place.
Yesterday i asked Death whether it would take me away?
Haha, weird.

But anyway, yup.
Thinking if i should go for cell tomorrow. Dunno.

I wanna watch THE ORPHANAGE! :D
Even though i would most probably not be looking at the screen most of the time, but at least i can still feel the thrill uh!

Bored man. Seriously bored.
Gotta study geog and bio!!
Why so many things to study for huh.

I think sleep is more productive. :DDDD

Alright, ending here.
Big smile uh, people?

Stop expecting, start relenting.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

You're leaving, leaving me hanging...

Hello! :)
Directing my focus away from EMath work to blogging!
ahha. I'm not a very focused person, as you can see.
Anyway, came back from tuition just now to hear a very startling piece of news, which is downright heartbreaking.

Arggh, how irritating can SHE get...

April Fool's Day today! Very interesting.

School today was alright, it was super nice talking to the Duck. =)
The self-proclaimed majestic THING and myself were discussing about the many horror movies we've watched.
It's like super scary to talk about those like, exorcism things even during like, broad daylight, cos they still kinda send this chill down your spines.
BRrrr. Creepy.

Anyway, yeah, 4E3's like super cool.
I think my classmates are super creative. Haha. The teachers are sooo easy to fool!
:D Funny.

Heard from my mummy that my cousin Geraleine has gone off to the land of Japanese today.
UN-fair.. :(
I wanna go tooooo! The land of Japanese is my most fav country in the world. :DDD

Mr Lee told us a little about gangs and weapons during tuition just now.
Like the 369 and AST gang in Singapore. Cool man.
Hahah, i think only like, the bigger and experienced ones are more respectable?
Unlike those little boys on the streets who try to act big and stuff, self proclaiming themselves as gangsters. More like WANNABEs. Ahha.


Ooohhh. I can't wait for CAPOEIRA after O Levels!
I'm gonna go work and save money to join the master class. HAha.
hopefully mummy would pay a little for moi...

It's like she told me to continue my Jap classes next year, but i wanna go back to lvl 1, to like, strengthen my basics a little more, so it's kinda like wasting time.
Hmm. Might as well redirect resources to learning Capoeira!!
Probably with my bro too. Ahha.

BY THE WAY, all you act smarties out there who think Capoeira's like martial arts and against christianity etc, it's NOT.
It was used as a form of dance by the captured african slaves last time sort of like as a disguise for protecting themselves by training their bodies and skills, cos they weren't allowed to learn tactics on how to defend themselves.
But they did not use it for fighting at all, and instead regarded it as their own form of art.
And it's slowly transformed now to a stage whereby it's not like for self-defence, but a dance.

Get it right! Heh. It's based on how you view it anyway.
Which form of martial arts has MUSIC inside it.
All based on different people's perceptions on the sport, cos like, you may see it as a form of martial arts/self-defence, but some might not regard it in this manner.

Nobody's gonna stop me now. Heh.
Capoeira here i come!!!

Capoeira + Pilates.
Soon soon. :)

I have learnt to inculcate this sentence into my thinking:
Copying is the most sincerest form of flattery.
So i take it you and probably you are flattering me in a totally different and quirky manner.
Which is kind of like, being an imitation of me.

If you don't agree to this, then STOP COPYING ME. Omg, haha.

Just got to know of a very tragic news about one of my ex-senior.
Like relationship issues and all?

Mummy is super good.
Even though she's like, down with stomach flu, she still bought me cupcakes and pastries to eat.
How very thoughtful of her.
Thank you mummy wummy, you make my toes scrummy. :]

Okay, back to E Math now.
I keep dreaming about Japan.

Bye dudes.

P.S: Stop acting like you know so much about FASHION, cos you make it sound so totally disgusting right now, what with your style of dressing and sense. Thanks. :D