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Sunday, June 25, 2006

What a beautiful Sunday...


Today's such a WONDERFUL day! :)
ME, the dummy, watched SHE'S THE MAN again!
So it's like, the THIRD time i'm watching it. So retarded. But the show's SO NICE!!
Can't stand it.

Okay, so i went to church as usual today. Only i made it a point to wake up early for choir!
:) Sorry ah, GTLJ! Always make you skip choir. xP or rather, we were too lazy la.

So anyway, we went for choir, and i'm REALLY happy!
Cos i finally went for choir after so long, and i really LOVE singing! Such a wonder.

Service was awkward, don't think why.

Issie came after service! Somemore come till so late. BLAH. xP
She's back from AUSSIE!
ISSIE going AUSSIE. Well, but she's back. x)
Thanks for that RIPCURL thing! Small LIIIITTTLE bag.

Then we went to ISLAND CREAMERY!
The best ice-cream store E-V-E-R. xD
So issie and i ate one of it each, then the rest shared a TUB.
COOL RIGHT. Like, POWER shared a tub of ice-cream. Not exactly la.
Then we TALKED. Like, really talked.
I mean, Sonia and QY talked about some stuff with us, which was really cool and all.

Anyway, since we had this special program by this TEAM GENESIS people. :)
They teach well, yeah. I mean, you know, they shared about their life experiences.
To the youths and the children. The LJOY children (I MISS HELPING OUT. GLORIA?)

Then Issie and i went to CATHAY. Wanting to watch She's the Man there, but turns out the timing was too LATE.
Then i called my lucky star, KRYSTLE POO!!
Got the timings and all from her, thanks so much, then we went to CINELEISURE.
The one at Orchard instead of Cathay. POO.
I wanted Issie to see the NEW Cathay!

Issie's such a great friend. Thanks for the talk. :)
I mean, you know, entertaining me.
Cos you're actually so shy in front of other people, but so MAD 'behind the scenes'.

Okay, so after the movie, went home.
Actually wanted to buy a skirt with Issie at FOX, but no time. xP

The most freakiest thing's that all the show's i've watched this week, from Monday to Friday, CONSEQUENTLY, is that, all my seat numbers had a SEVEN in it.
SUPER COOL MAN. :D And the date's all so NICE! Like, in a row.

So far, I've watched:
#She's the Man (x3)
#Just My Luck
#Scary Movie 4!!

For accompanying me la, and the new NIKE pink tube.

Okay, good luck to everyone starting school tomorrow.
BYE! Gotta continue with my work.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Every word, a mystery...

TODAY WAS SO COOL! And fun. :)

Saw it yesterday before watching SHE'S THE MAN at the CATHAY at the adidas shop.
So afraid that i wouldn't be able to get it.
PHEW man. My brother says it's sort of like 'street' soccer type of shoes!

Thanks MUMMY!! :D It was really EXPENSIVE man.
BLACK and the stripes are YELLOW! I really like yellow+black now! xD
You know ADIDAS now has this crown-designed clothings?
IT'S SO PRETTY!! Especially the black half-jacket, zipper at the neck style one!!
But it costs a freaking $119!!!! Like $10 more than my shoes. NOT WORTHED.

Okay, so there was ITheatre today! And it was PURE PURE FUN!!!
If this is what drama's like, then i'd definitely join ELDDS!
Since that's what everyone tells me to do, JOIN DRAMA.
I'm born a drama-mama!

We got into teams today! These are two of the teams i ALWAYS stick to:

I LOVE MY TEAMS!! We're so creative okay, especially the idea we took from the school's musical. The CLASH of the elements. REALLY nice. :)
And we get to keep the masks after using! My mum was so shocked when she saw it!!

Okay, so after ITheatre, i took a bus with DUCKY to meet my mummy to collect my shoes!
And then the QUEENSWAY people, Chris and all, asked us for our numbers and emails!
I felt like some popstar! HAHA. x) But they were really nice.

So i got my shoes, we went back to my house, and we started dressing up for SCIENCE CENTRE!
But we didn't go to science centre of course. COS OF NO TIME!!
Not that we didn't want to go. xD

So we skipped science centre and decided to go to watch a MOVIE!
We watched JUST MY LUCK. Okay, JUST MY LUCK, and SHE'S THE MAN are must-watches! :DD SO NICE!! But i think She's The Man nicer, cos i don't really like LindsayLohan.
And She's The Man has a longer TIME.

Ducky's so retarded! It's really fun to go out with her!
And my uncle kept teasing her about how PRETTY she was! :D
Somehow, everytime we go out, we get F**KING stares from LADEEZ.
But i think they're just jealous cos their dressing sucks and they're envying us. xP

I REALLY REALLY like this guy who's working in CINELEISURE!!
He's name is _ _ _ _ _ _. I HOPE I SEE HIM TOMORROW!!
I saw him today though. :) I saw him yesterday too.
COS HE'S AN A-B-C AND HE KEPT SMILING AT ME! I think i get really shy in front of boys.
x) I dunno how to smile back.

HAHA. Okay, I LOVE DUCKY! Thanks for accompanying me!
I was wearing this tube in this purple top.
And the purple top had two holes at the back. Like, BIG holes.
And then i didn't realise my tube dropped, maybe in the cinema, so my BRA was exposed!!
SO EMBARASSING. I wonder if anybody saw! i didn't realise till i reached home you know.

SO SCARY!! I hope those people don't recognise me.

YAY! I guess i'm gonna be watching R.V Runaway Vacation tomorrow with my MUMMY!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Come a little closer, and i'll push...

:) I suddenly feel like blogging today! What a nice day.

Had ITheatre in the morning. Really had to drag myself up from bed just to go to school.
What a BLAH thing to do.
But it was worthed it in the end! :D

So, the Brian Steward guy really sounded and looked like some PRO at drama.
He's kinda cool, but it would have been better if he had more hair and probably 20years younger.

Hehheh. I'm always critiscing people! xP

Anyway, there were people from other schools there too!
Like Queensway and Queenstown.
The people there are SUPER friendly! Not like SMSS girls. xP

There was this really outspoken girl from Queensway, and she can really act.
Like, A-C-T. Hehheh.
Cool, i like this kind of people!
Guess we're gonna get on REEEALLY well, since i already spoke so much to her today.

Dumbass NAIR was my partner for one of the exercises! So funny.
I guess Mr. STEWIE was watching us quite alot, because we were being so drama-mama and all.
Really WEE-TARDED. =)
What to do? We're BORN like that!

There were also alot of girls from ELDDS.
Somehow, they seemed to be forced to attend ITheatre. Haha.

Can't wait for the next session of ITheatre!! So interesting okay.
We're gonna be doing some MASK work.
How cool can it get?

And i'm SICK. I have BAD BAD gastric/stomach sickness.
I feel like someone just took out my stomach and squeezed all the juices out!!
xx( I think i'm gonna have a stroke by this week.

OH YEAH. And somehow, since the show SHE'S THE MAN came out, it seems like everyone's been starting to LIKE this fella here!
(I watched the show btw! And it rocks like anything la!)

Channing Tatum?
He's REALLY suuuuave man! YUMYUM. :)
I wonder how he really looks in real life!!
I think i'd melt if i see him. HEH.

Okay, that's all for today.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Everyone has that special place...

14/06 - 18/06
It's such a pretty place! :) I don't think it can get any better. Heh.
I did so many special things there!
With my ever wonderful and happening family you all would envy like siao. 10 PEOPLE!
We all got so much tanner okay. SO BLACK!
Everything about HND's just like, half Thailand, half Malaysia.
Only with alot of chinese wordings.
And they have BILLIONS of coconut trees!
Okay, i'm gonna talk about my trip here, with photos as guidance!
Let's start!!
Symbols: HND=Hainan Dao (island) TG=Tour Guide

Woke up at like, 3.30AM!!!
Cos of the bloody flight which we took in the early morning.
We took three cabs to the budget terminal.
And my cab detoured to my THIRD uncle's house to fetch him. Lazy pig.

So we reached in the DARK early morning, and all felt so sleepy. xx)
Of course, there were other people taking the flight with us too, but they somehow looked so perked up! Guess they took insanity pills. KIDDING.
The budget terminal was kinda cool, cos of the decor and all, compared to China's airport. :D


ANNA SUI for me, and ESCADA for Vanessa. It's really fragrant! MMPH.
[Okay, anyway, we took a lot of photos on this trip, so this is gonna be a LONG post. :)]

We drank latte, coffee and ate some snacks, then we left to WALK to the airplane.
Took TIGER AIRWAYS. Not really good, but very cool to walk to the airplane!
My 2nd time doing this.

Uncle, Auntie and Vanessa [top]
My MUM [bottom]
BRIGHT/DARK early morning! At around 5+am. :)
We were about to board the plane...

In the plane...

I was being retarded can. Don't laugh.

My bro sleeping like a LOG, and my uncle posing for the next MR. SINGAPORE! :)

This looks a little like HEAVEN. :D eh?

Looks like a female body part, NO? xP

The flight was a freaking 4HOURS long okay. I don't know what i did during those times.
HND's airport's really small! Alot smaller than Singapore's.
We met up with our very VERY sweet TG!! She was really nice.
We call her, AH-MEI. Cos that's what everyone in HND call the waitresses or people.
Cool right. Her name's AH-CAI. Okay, whatever. It sucks hor.

We took this bus, only for us 10people. It's sort of a, 'SELF-TOUR'.
But we have a TG, so it's still a tour (?!). The bus' nice, the driver EVEN BETTER.
So friendly!
:) We had lunch at this ULU restaurant somewhere near the airport.

Then we went to the MIAO VILLAGE! It's really nice to experience CULTURE.

My bro and uncle[top]
R-L: uncle, TG, me, Vane, bro, auntie![bottom]

We did many special things in the village!
And the GUYS had to do this wedding ceremony thing!!
Something like their tradition and all that.
They wanted to let us see and know how they do such things. It was so funny!!
We kept laughing like idiots can. xD
My three uncles, brother and grandpapa were the victims.


They were all REALLY nervous!
My brother was really faithful to his girlfriend, so he really was kind of reluctant. xP

One part was to carry this bundle thing and cross this really narrow plank across the bride WITHOUT falling.
Only two of my uncles did it though. :)

They had to carry their 'brides' afterwards.
There goes the brides.

But this place was REALLY sickening. Guess what the people here want MOST.
It was so BAD you know! Like, we have to pay for EVERYTHING!
Even taking a simple photograph. So sickening.
Still, we just took those photos around the place which don't need payment. xD

Here are some of the pictures!

[1st]Vane and her mum! [2nd]my mum and i
[3rd]My mum, me, grandmama, Vane and her mum!
[4th] SMILE! :D Haven't you ever smiled??

After which, we went for this drum thing in the village. x) Really cool!
There were gongs and all, the types of drums used in LionDances. Nice.
Retarded drumming pictures!

Really fun. :D You can tell that we had fun RIGHT?

Then we saw the cutest, most doll-like person EVER on Earth.
I mean, of all people i've seen, this is amazing. :D

So cute right??!!! She should never EVER grow up man. =) hah. Sweet.
Then Vane and i were invited to dance with the tribal people. SO COOL!
They use like, those bamboo poles la.

We proceeded to our villa-lookalike hotel after the village (from what i remember...).
The hotel was so cool! The water's SPRING water.
It produced a really foul smell, but doesn't stink at all after awhile, when you get used to it.

[bottom]My brother's missing his girl. 0-0 (He dyed his hair, is it obvious?)

And XingLong was really special! All the buildings were ONLY up to 4/5 stories high!!!
Cool man.
After the hotel and dinner, we watched this performance at a really grand theatre.
Quite nice, cos of all the dances and beautiful costumes. =D
But those china people smoked so much! I stank after the entire thing.


Next day! This is the MOST interesting day.
Really, for the entire trip. =)

We changed hotels this day.
Did we visit the pearl factory this day? i forgot, but anyway, we visited one.
And BOUGHT alot of pearl-y stuff.
Went to some coconut/coffee plantation afterwards. No pictures, pretty boring.

Then we went to HND's botanical gardens!! It was REAALLY huge!
Compared to Singapore's, it's really too TOO big.


Camera shy uncle!

Happy family! :D

I'm loving all coconut trees! This resembles the indian type of movie ah?!
HOOGAHOOGA. Then suddenly so pleasant. LOL.

Cool type of vehicle we were on! :)

Coconut trees!

This was really a one of a kind experience. :)
ARE YOU JEALOUS?? Tell the truth, baby, cos i'm not gonna care.
BEST BEACH EVER. It's known as the Chinese's HAWAII! It's just so pretty can.
Second best beach on Earth.

Didn't take any pictures while i was UNDERWATER, only the before and after.
It was a one to one instructor thing, and it was really fun. :D
My instructor was so FUNNY!! He kept making me laugh. When i was underwater, i couldn't stop giggling cos of the MAGICAL sights i was looking at.
Okay la, i kept smiling to myself (?!).
[ask me about my experience if you want!]
Fed the fishes and tried to touch them! i stepped on the corals leh, so sorry!
Vanessa, my bro and me. :D

We had to wear the suit which was really uncomfortable.
BIG AND BULKY. Very suffocative. Good thing underneath got swimsuit.
Else die. xx(
I forgot my bikini...
The rest of the FAMILY waited at the other end.
We took a boat down to the other part of the beach.

(My bro looks weird at this point so his face would NOT be put here. xD)

After that, we went for a bath somewhere in the beach.
And it was a COMMUNAL bath okay!! So everybody saw everybody's things.
Like, THINGS. And the china women had really hairy armpits okay. STINKOO.

We went to this really cool mountain place, which was VERY high up, and we sat this roller coaster thing up. Only SIX of us went up, cos the rest were too old, or had height-phobia. xP

The ride down was FANTASTIC! Like some ride!!! So fun. No pictures though. xO
I have SANYA below me! :)
Went all the way up just to see the statue...
The MAGNUM there rocks like crazy okay. I LOVE magnum. =D

Back to the hotel afterwards. DINNER ROCKED.
We had all sorts of seafood! 16 course dinner. YUMYUM.
And i saw SEA URCHIN being served! So gross, after seeing it clearly underwater LIVE.
Then we sang KARAOKE. Cos we had dinner in this special room all to ourselves. :] Satisfied.

FRIDAY 16/06
Went to this crystal place. The women bought ALOT of things. MAD MAN.
No pictures.
Then i bought a SILK QIPAO!!! At this silk place.
Vanessa bought a silk cover thing. So EX can. Just a qipao okay! I'm saving it for next year.
A bit early eh?

Afterwards was this 天 涯 海 角 [TIAN YA HAI JIAO] place. Quite nice. :D
Also see the beach one.
Pictures to describe:

Welcome! =B

Did you know that Jockay was like this...


Lovely couples!


I was the one who spiltted the rocks okay!

They had this sugarcane thing, where you had to bite off straight from the cane.
It's cool, but i hate biting like this. SO UNLADY-LIKE. xP

Went to some GUANYIN on water place after that.
Took many pretty pictures! But i'll put a bit, cos i'm seriously tired.

Only two, i'll put up more when i feel good. :D

Went up yet another mountain which was kinda high.
We took this 'cable car' like things up, just that it's uncovered.
it's something like those ski type of thing which brings you up the mountain. Whatever.
:D So we went up, and it was really cool, just that there were many graves along the way.

Bought some cool kind of hat which can be folded on the way down.
And i saw a GOAT!

Then we took the bus and went down to HAIKOU.
Some pictures at a historical place there:

We've gone mad!

Back to normal...

Many lovely pictures taken. :D

Went to the city and shopped, their KFC rocked. So much more better than Singapore's okay.
We were so happy when we saw KFC!! Cos of the food we've been eating for the past few days.
Didn't buy anything though, but Vanessa did!
She bought this PUCCA wallet and Maybelline's mascara. UNFAIR.

Okay, then after that we went back to the hotel and slept.

SUNDAY 18/06
Came home. Bad ride on the plane.
So sad to leave TG. :( Sad to leave HND too!
Overall=8/10! Cos of the money and food.
Ate steamboat then came home.
At goldenmile complex. GO TRY! You'll totally regret man.
Can't wait for AUGUST! When i'd FLY off to Bangkok, AGAIN.
Sigh. There's church camp today and i'm not there!! Must wait for like, another two years.
CRAP. xx( I wanna go for church camp. JUST WAIT!

Thanks for reading. =)
Tata for now!

Till then, do i see you again...