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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Is it better than yours? It IS, definitely...

OOMPY! Something happened again today. JUST like yesterday!
I can't believe it, two times in a row?! Unbelieeevable.

Okay, so i went SWIMMING today! I slept at 12am yesterday cos of blogging. What the heck.
Then i woke up at 12pm today. So i wasted 12HOURS like that. Ohman. What a way to spend my days. I'd just better be careful of spending my time WISELY!

It seems that, my HOLIDAY, is going to be spent with my DARLING cousin, VANESSA!
Else i would have absolutely NOTHING to do. :) So thank you, my super cute cousin, for spending time with moi!

Let's talk about the thing which happened again today!
Another TWO fellas asked Vanessa and i for our NUMBERS again!!

Oh.. And this time, we GAVE! Do you think we're DUMB to do so? I think we are leh.
I think we are. But heck it. hor. :D I'm kind of um, excited, i guess?
No, not really. BUT! I can't believe it man. He was like, i want both numbers la.

AND ONE OF THEM IS SUPER CUTE. I can't stand it! He's 16 la. :)

Okay, enough on the details.

Seriously, i would marry a man who would buy me candy kingdom. NO LA.
Joking only. Cos i'm feeling super happy after 'dancing' with my mum. hah. :D

Okay, i miss my cute friends so much. Can't wait to see em tomorrow!

Okay, going off now! I LOVE YOU!

Monday, May 29, 2006

You have to be the best to win the rest...

Ah! Hello again! :D The first day of the HOLIDAYS!
I'm back for blogging, with many new things to update you readers about my little life! Which is ever so interesting or not sometimes. Agh.

Let's see, i went to watch POSEIDON today with my lovable cousin, VANESSA! ;)
She's the ONLY cousin i ever associate so much with. Whatever, the others just suck.

(Similar sunglasses! Did you notice?? And my a little retarded fringe.)

I think we both wore and look REEAALLY nicely today, not like how i always wear on Sunday or something, cos something out-of-a-sudden happened on the bus we took.

This close-to-old man gave up his seat for BOTH OF US! Isn't it nice of him to do so.
We sat at the top deck, btw.
Then, this group of super-ultra-out-of-control HOT group of guys walked from the back of the double-deck bus we were on. Oh, one of them wasn't as nice as the rest, cos he looked kind of, UGH.
SO! Cos of the super packed bus we were on, that group of boys had to stand on the stairs to wait for the bus to stop so they could get off.
At the mean time, Vanessa and i noticed them, and quickly focused our attention to her handphone, cos she was showing me some ah-lian pictures she took of herself. xP
Then this particular guy from that group of guys suddenly said HEY kinda loudly.
Of course, we didn't expect him to be calling us, so we ignored him.
Then he said it even louder! I think they're some ah-bengs from some school, since they were in uniforms. He called even louder and tried to get our attention. BUT, Vanessa was behaving so calmly, only me, being so 'omg'-ing all the time he kept calling. I was PANICKING can.
The fella was so direct, he asked us for our PHONE NUMBERS! We were like, whispering to each other, "f**king no." But he didn't hear it, of course. So he was like, HEY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?
Next thing i know, his friend passed him some camera phone and he snapped pictures of us!! What kind of attitude is that man. (He sounds like a stalker!)
So then they left and we laughed and giggled like siaochabos. hah. Obviously we wouldn't give them our numbers! And they were like, ALAMAK when they left. :D
But they were SUPER cute people! #!^%@#&^@.

Okay! So POSEIDON rocked. It was somehow like Titanic, but a little different. In the end, the girly lost her father. So sad...
Well, not really sad, cos i don't think anybody cried at all, but the scenes were really terrifying, especially the parts where they show dead people floating on the water.
And also all the blood and broken body parts of those innocent little people. x(
It's kind of sad, but not sad enough to make me cry! hah.

Okay. My mum's REAAAALLY nice!! She bought me NEGIMA 11 AND 12 last Saturday! :)
Yay, three cheers for my mama. Anyway, after Japanese Class on Saturday, my mum and i went for the parent-teacher meeting thing.
MsRamlah said that i was NUMBER ONE in great personality and attitude! :DD
Hah. Hooray for JOCKAY!

Then i also bought the SIMS2 OpenForBusiness expansion pack and another SIMS2 FamilyFunStuff expansion pack!! Yay. These are what i'm gonna spend my holiday on. :D

Oh. And i was also one of those people chosen for DEBATE!! :)) Always my dream to represent the school for debating since... i don't know when. xP
My dear Alyssa got in too! So i won't be alone there, at least.
It had better be good, since we have to pay like, a freeakin $64 for only TWO days of workshop.
But i think it would be good. xD

Another great thing to rejoice about is the ITheatre thing coming up in JUNE! =)
I'm going with Ms CHAI CHAI! Jane Chai la. And then we're gonna perform or something!
Have to attend yet ANOTHER workshop for this. THREE DAYS OF IT.
My my. Good thing it's after my China Trip, else i'll have to skip this, and then i'll cry like crazy.

Okay, that's about it for today! Just to update you all about what's happening! Can't wait for swimming tomorrow with VANESSA! So sad la, i don't have a swimming pool right outside my doorstep. xP

Vanessa's 'zi-lian' photo. hah. She looks so retarded. xP

MY 'zi-lian' photos! xP
Super LAME-O.

I hate those freakin' chao ah-lians who always glare at us one the streets. Stupid people.

Oh well, bye to you all! =)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

You're a loser if you quit...

HELLO GUYS!! I'm BACK in action! Just came back from sec2 camp yesterday! So tired.
Okay, gonna blog about...

SEC 2 CAMP!!! <33
Rocked everything.

SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did it have to end.

I'm sorry i EVER said sec2E6 wasn't united! COS I'M TOTALLY TOTALLY WRONG NOW!!!
Okay, i'm gonna blog about it now!!
Ready? Here we go...


Reached school the same time as usual. After all the assembly and that, we advanced to the chapel! Was feeling really excited, with a TINGE of excitement because it's CAMP!
Missing you guys alot. Have fun in Japan! :)

Anyway, we were briefed a little, and then separated into groups! Mine was with the second half of the class, and then the first half with another coach.
COACH SERENE. Super sweet and too nice!

The second half of the class was group 10, and the first half group 9.
Coach CORN was in charge of MY team! YAY!

HEADS! !<3

I really love SUSHIHEADS alot!! Okay, so we had to go into our groups to get to know each other better, then we came out with the GROUP NAME (SUSHIHEADS!), and made our OWN cheeer!!! It's so bloody nice. I shall type it out here later!
The leader for SUSHIHEADS is SOH SIMIN!! Love Simin SO MUCH!
Then we had to choose a mascot.
Belinda looked so cute!! The people who 'designed' are really creative! Make till our mascot so PRETTY! :)

But in the end, all the groups didn't get to present our super cute mascots and cheers, cos of time. xP
After that, it was lunch! VERY DELICIOUS AND NICE!!
Then we went back to the chapel, and the mascots had to clean off their 'make-up'.
So did we. We had graffiti all over our hands! Written SUSHI HEADS!! :)

We watched a movie afterwards. The show was really touching.
It showed alot of scenes involving teamwork, leadership and all that.
I think 'sacrifician' was shown alot in the show, as many people had to give up many things to get the 'perfect' team. :D
Hmm, i guess i've learnt alot from the show, although it was pretty boring at the start, but it became so much more interesting at the end!

After watching the movie, they briefed us again, and then we went down to EAST COAST PARK! :) The bus was so lively! I think the bus driver feels really happy that he had such a class in his bus!
2E6 took the bus together. In as, group 9 and 10. We sang many nursery rhymes in the bus! Heh. So cute.
We had AMAZING RACE in East Coast! I've now seen the REAL colors of 2E6.
Group 10 really united alot!
We kept encouraging each other, especially those who had problems and couldn't run with us.
It takes alot of perseverance and strength for us to run and try our best not to disappoint the team. We literally PUSHED each other. Heh. :)
This was the time when we really got to see what kind of person we are, and it was really great. We bonded so much during that time!
:D Of course, poor coach CORN had to be with us. xP

Even though SUSHIHEADS didn't come in first, we were still feeling like winners because we did what we could, and too bad that we didn't come in first! :D

The bus ride back to school was really quiet, because everybody was feeling so tired, we all rested.
We were briefed about the next day, what to bring and all that, and then we went home.
Ducky and i went CRAZY! xP
We went to Macs and started laughing like idiots on the way home. Really dumb. ;)

Went home afterwards, feeling EVEN MORE excited for the upcoming two days, and then packed, talked a little to my mum, then i slept...

Talking about these two days really wanna make me CRY!! Cry so much okay.
THE CAMP WAS AWESOME! FABULOUS! Can't describe it in words man!

Okay, went to schoool same time. But i had to carry my bag which was so buldgy. Didn't really bring alot of things, and i also brought along a MINI pillow! :)
Held my little sleeping bag in my hands.

The bus ride there was REEEALLY so enjoyable! All the fun and laughter.
Can't miss it for the world.
MsRamlah was with us! I really love MsRamlah alot, she's been encouraging me SO MUCH, and being so friendly towards me, i can't write it down at all.
It's seriously something MORE THAN WORDS. :D
We made up a class cheer with the help of the SUSHIHEADS cheer! :)
Sang songs again. Leanne, our SINGING LEAD! Really cool.

:) It was in Kallang River.

We were briefed on safety measures and all. The instructor who briefed us was really funnny! haha. He ended every sentence with a 'KAY', and that really cracked us up.
We were laughing like siao la. And we had to control it still. xP

The CHONG <3>small boat, the rest of them took the big one! Coach CORN came with the small boat, and Coach SERENE went with the other! Hooray!
Anyway, we were splashing water at each other with our oars all the time!
And of course we attacked and got attacked by other teams too!
We filled this big container-like thing with super dirty water and splashed it at other boats! They splashed us too, of course. xD
We attacked coach CORN too!! haha. He was so innocent, just sitting there, and then we splashed at him! xP
Germaine and i are SUCH idiots. We tried to throw the water at the other boats, but ended up making ourselves wet. hah. We're the fools!

Our dragonboat instructor was really nice! Her name's FELANCIA! :) Such a pretty lady!
She was so well-toned! Cool man.
Anyway, she kept trying to help us splash water at the others!
The TEACHERS' boat was the REALLY naughty one. They kept splashing water at us! EEEKK!!! Naughty teachers! So playful. ;D
Then the instructor told us that she was going to rock the boat REALLY hard, and we had to sit at the edges!! We totally freaked out and screamed like crazy while she was rocking us!
:) At least our butts touched the water! Rocked alot, and as it gradually increased, we weren't THAT afraid anymore. We didn't want to end it at all!
But as it goes to say, all good things come to an end.

We went back to school soon afterwards. It felt REALLY icky sitting down in the bus cos of our wet bums. And the bus driver would have to clean the seats really crazily cos of us! :O
All of us were so quiet in the bus, cos everyone was so tired and all.
I got a bruise from all that rowing! On my right thumb. OUCH.
Over all, DRAGON BOATING was a very good experience, and it's really hiong.

Went back to school and rinsed away all the dirt on our freakin' 'salty' hair.
Quickly changed afterwards. And then, cos of the smart brains of people in 2E6, we hung our sandals and wet clothes dry at the platform outside the window facing NanyangPri.
:DD it dried so quickly! Cos of the hot weather.

So after that, we went to the hall for our mass dance thing!!! :)
But before that, we had this funniest girl things, and our class proudly sent SOH SIMIN up!
Heh. :D
Super funny la, all of those people from other classes.

So anyway, afterwards, we learnt the MASS DANCE!!! It's so nice! And Coach Luke can REALLY dance man. So the dance was really cool, and i guess we all could follow it! :)
Woohoo! Good job, Jane!
Even though she didn't get the first, she'll always be first in 2E6!
We did the Macerena too! ;) hee.

Afterwards was dinner. REALLY great, even though i ate really little for all of the meals, and hence getting myself hungry sometimes. :)
We ate and talked. And laughed ALOT!! Nicolette Gan is such a pig la. haha. Super funny. We kept making fun of Simin! Couldn't help it. xP haha.
That was the time, i seriously laughed till i had a stomachache and had to use the toilet. HEEHEE. I MISS THE CAMP SO MUCH!!!

Okay, back to the main point. After dinner was..
Best part of it all.

COACH LUKE&JAY ARE LIKE, THE BEST COACHES! I mean, apart from OUR wonderful coaches, CORN and SERENE.
We were seated in the U shape position. I mean like, the sec2s are seated in a way that a U shape is formed. :)
We kept talking about DIRTY jokes during the campfire! hah.

Coach Luke was the EMCEE for the campfire! He called for every class to send their second funniest girl in class.
Guess who my funny-enough class sent?

And Coach Luke wanted us to do modelling! hah. Exactly what i wanted to do when i grow up! Not exactly. But, yeah. So one after another, we all modelled. And i guess cos i was really nervous, that i didn't do as well as i wanted myself to do. xP
So scared la, and then i just did whatever myself told myself to do.
And my classmates were really supportive!!
They kept cheering for me, so i guess, that was why i had so much confidence, and weren't as scared as those with me.

Then we dressed up coach CORN! They allowed us to dress up our coaches, so that was what we did. We stuck straws in Coach CORN's HARD hair. :)
STRAWHEAD! That's what we call him.
Then we wrote sushi all over him. IN as, his face and all. Nothing else! :D
He looked really cute... haha. And then Coach Serene was so pretty and country-girlish type.
2E1 won though! BOO.

Then... MASS DANCE! We danced for the teachers to see, with the top three dancers in front! :D
Really cool. I think we all danced really well! And the teachers all had such positive comments.

Then we did FREESTYLE!!! They kept using the song 'Superstar' by Jamelia. Hah. :) so i try my best not to listen to that song cos it's so sad!! Boo.
We just jumped around and really enjoyed ourselves. SCREAMED LIKE IDIOTS, and then we 'sort of' practise CLUBBING! heh. In as, practise dancing for clubbing!

Joking. Totally joking!

In anyway, i really had alot of fun. And then we stopped, went for supper and then bathed.
Bathing was CHAOS man. TOTAL CHAOS! So messy.
Each class was alocated a toilet. And OURS WAS THE CLEANEST IN THE END!!
Definitely got teamwork man.

Came to taking pictures time! Took very little cos i know i'm not photogenic. xP

Me with sweetheart Alyssa!
(Will put in the GROUP one when i get it! =D)
Slept beside Wanda and little Alyssa. haha. JaneCHAI slept beside Alyssa, then Simin slept beside Wanda. :D

I think i slept during the entire night, after going to the toilet with THEM. Cos of an emergency. :) hah.

Okay, that's the end of Tuesday!

Yesterday, which was Wednesday was such a sad day.
All of us couldn't bear to leave the coaches. We took pictures, of course.
To remember all the fun we had. Simin and i with some others sat with Coach Serene and we talked alot to her!
Seems like the coaches love to tease me and Simin alot! Haha. Super funny. :D
I think i woke up properly when Coach CORN called my name so loudly.

Then we had a TREASURE HUNT! Last time of bondage with the coaches! xP

Really missing them now... Wonder how are the two of them! They said we were the best school! And somemore, this is Coach CORN's first time, so, we're glad that he'd had a great experience for the first time. ;)
Thanks to both you wonderful coaches! We'll never forget you, EVER. Please come to us again next year! Or maybe end of this year? Heh.

Thank yous:
CLASSMATES!- You guys really did it! You all made sec2 camp possible, and i'm glad i've been able to bond with ALL OF YOU!
COACHES! - COACH CORN AND COACH SERENE! You guys are great mentors. Thank you for being such jokers. hah. :)
MSRAMLAH! - For calling me that cheerful girl and always encouraging me!
SIMIN! - For going crazy and wild with me! Funniest fella.
ALYSSA! - That cheerful smile you always show me gives me shivers! xP JOKING! Hah.
JANE CHAI! - Always saying HI for no apparent reason makes me feel so welcomed by you!
WANSING! - For being the cute and quiet person you are, always cracking up all of a sudden.
BELINDA! - Always smiling and being so cheerful. Though when you don't feel happy, you wouldn't show it out! Thank you so much.
USHA! - Thank you U-shasha! :D You always make me feel so queer. Hah.
GERMAINE! - For being such a funny and spastic person. xO
JAYA! - I can always talk to you about the class and all the happenings of everything! ;) You're seriously nice sometimes!

That's about all the people i wanna thank for the camp! Of course, there's plenty more. Thanks for sticking with me. :)
I LOVE YOU! Always.
Although SOME people always show their attitude during the camp, i hope they'd change it!

After the camp 'broke', ducky and i went to Macs AGAIN. heh.
Felt really tired, but i didn't sleep at home, instead, i slept in the bus with Ducky. We looked really funny sleeping in the bus...

Today was Xcountry day! Some freaking idiots pushed me, so i couldn't get position 25th. Shoots man. Had to settle for 27th position! xP
Many people didn't go for XCountry today. Especially from my class.
Heh. I guess they're all at home asleep. Shouldn't have went too!
OH YEAH! And i ran with JASMINE again! I LOVE THAT FUNNY FELLA. :)

And then i walked ALL THE WAY home from Macritchie, to Little India. When we asked around for directions, all the people looked at us like Ducky and i were mad. hah. :D Total fun and good exercise. We had a little talk with Mrs Esther Tay too! :)
We saw her walking, so we decided to be friendly and talk to her. She walked ALL THE WAY too! Great exercise and good toning of muscles!

Okay! So tired from blogging. TATA!
Missing the coaches ALOT ALOT.
(It took me 2 hours to post this. I wasted so much time doing other things! =P)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Watch a movie...

My days are getting interesting! Not really, just yesterday and today. But i actually wasted like, my morning, going to the chapel. xO

Anyway, YESTERDAY! Went out with Ducky. We watched WHEN A STRANGER CALLS.
It isn't exactly nice, but very frightening la, some scenes. Really scare the pants off ducky and me. :) We bought ROYCE too! Super delicious.

We had so much fun! Trying to run away and spot SMSS girls, cos we didn't wanna let them see how we dressed. :D we're always doing that when we go out somehow. Weird.

Anyway! We took neoprints!

Very happy with this neoprint! Gotta give back to ducky though.
And of course, i love what i was wearing. We both looked so cool then! WHEEE.

Ah, and i saw this super pretty necklace in Hula&Co in FarEast. Dunno later my mum will bring me there or not leh.

OH YES. And my MUMMY came back already! With quite a number of clothes for moi.
HURRAY! Gonna bring them to China next month.

Anyway, just came back from chapel. Or rather, a walk with GTLJ in the park. CLUNY PARK.
So bad, nowadays keep spending time with that dummybear, dunno will get influence become stupid or not.
HAH, joking. :D

Anyway, talking to Alyssa about personality tests now! SO FUN.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sorry and thank you...

Especially to mine! :D Though she's not in Singapore, i wished her a BIG happy mother's day this morning!
Sorry-for all the times i've made you feel like you regret having me as a daughter.
Thank you-for all the love you've showered upon me!

I HAD SO MUCH FUN TODAY! I really love church. :)
Sonia, GTLJ and Issie! You guys rock so much.

Anyway! Woke up with the help of Yahui and GTLJ! Thanks so much, sweethearts! :D One phone rang after the other. HEH.

I feel so guilty leh, every Sunday let GTLJ wait like idiot at the bus-stop, i think her friends are the dust and dirt let out by cars. She probably talks to them! HEH. Joking la.
Anyway, at least we got to service on time to watch the choir perform. It's so different.
Singing and watching. Now i know how it feels to be the person WATCHING instead of singing and listening to others' singing.


Issie came late today. Stupid pig. Everytime come late. I LOVEEEEDDD the Ripcurl dress she wore today!! Should i get it too?? Nah.
What's the point of having the same thing and wanting to wear it.
BUT IT'S REALLY PREETTY!! And GTLJ wear till so formal today. Except for me. xD

After POWER<3 (This is cool!), stupid XW go trick me.
He called my phone and acted like a Bangladesh person.
Bangladesh wannabe (XW): Hellooo. You Malia ahh?
Me: Umm, no. I'm not Malia.
Bangladesh wannabe (XW): Wooaa. I thought you Malia laaa.
Me: No, i'm not Malia. You got the wrong num--
Bangladesh wannabe (XW): You sturdy in Margalet Sec rite??
Turns around and realises it's XW.

Haha. Super funny. He even drags his vowels and all that, really sounded like a Bangledesh person. Cute. :) Stinkin Issie go ask XW trick me. HEHHEH.

GTLJ, Issie, Issie's BRO, XW, Sonia and i went to Farrer Market!! GTLJ and i didn't eat though, cos we ACTUALLY decided to go to WHITE TANGERINE (FOOD HEAVEN). Then we went off, leaving Sonia to go to HollandV, and we took bus down to LittleIndia!

I'M SO SORRY ISSIE!!!! We left her alone and ran off. Cos i decided not to go to WHITE TANGERINE, and GTLJ followed! We're so very sorry for leaving you alone! :DD Please forgive. HEE.

Somehow, i topic revolved round love bites. So GTLJ and i thought lovebites were bites in the shapes of hearts. HEE. So toot right. But smart la, hor, can think of such things.
Then we mimed out the way people bite. hah. Super retarded. xP
I brought GTLJ to the famous laksa store near my house! It tastes super nice. :) I'm sure GTLJ agrees, eheh?

Heh. Oh, and we had a great time laughing like bloody idiots on the way! We passed by this shophouse which said "i m yasee". HAHA. We thought the person probably meant he was YASEE. HEHEH. Stupid name. Wanna see it? Sorry, no picture.

After heavy-laksa-consumption, brought GTLJ to 7-eleven, then to the playground downstairs my house. We talked for 1hr30mins, i think. SUCH a fab time talking to her!
Thanks so much, GTLJ. Though you're so toot, you make me feel toot too. HEHheh. :)
I really enjoyed talking to you, bloody dummybear!
It's during times like these i'm glad God gave us friends.

Okay, so today is love friends day for me, huh. :D I LOVE GOING TO CHURCH!
I love my awesome God.

Goodbye people! Study for HomeEcons! All the best, dudes.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

If there were TWO, which would you choose...

Feeling so bored now. My mummy in Taiwan, me with two people in this house. BOO.
Can't wait to go SHOPPIN with my mum again. Called her yesterday and she said the fashion in Taiwan's all about LACES. OHMAN.

Today's so boring.
I THINK i'm beginning to DREAD JAP CLASSES. Shit.

I hate school. There's so many problems in school. Sometimes my friends make me feel blessed, sometimes, they make me feel like i just dropped into torture-world for a little while.
Am i beginning to HATE friends?

Hmm, i'll do well this year, CHANGE schools next year. HEH. That settles it! But it's IMPOSSIBLE. BOO.

Okay, at least there's church tomorrow! I WISH Gloria can go watch mowee tomorrow with me! But stupid Issie cannot. xD
SIGH. What will happen if she goes to Japan!! I'll be so quiet.

I've never laughed for a long time. SOME ONE HELP?

Okay, i think,
i'm beginning to hate living.

Gotta watch my SHOW now!
i miss my mummy.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Long long journey through the darkness...

HELLO! It's such a WONDERFUL day! Thanks to all the people who made this day wonderful. sobsob. I wanna thank my mama, my...
Ah, whatever.

Anyway! Today was the second last paper we had, SCIENCE!
I tell you, the rest sucked. Big time. I think i'll most probably fail English and Chinese. Though Math paper 1 wasn't easy, but paper 2 was!

After the TORTUROUS paper, WE went out! Though we didn't get to watch a movie cos of the time. xP We took $20 worth of neoprints! (SCROLL DOWN FOR NEOS) That means we took two la, aiyoh. Same machine!

THANK YOU! All who made my day:


We're definitely going out again when there's a chance! It was so fun! At first, we went to take a bus, then somehow i guess one of us jinxed the rest. We couldn't get a bus, AT ALL. The buses which came are all packed.

So we decided to go for the HIGHER/BETTER choice- TAXI!!
(I was the tour guide for the day! And somehow, everytime i become the tourguide, everything goes WRONG. xP)

Simin, Jane and i took one, Alyssa, Katrihan, Belinda and Wansing took another one. We were SO generous, we let them take the first cab. THEN WE SUPER SUAY.
When we didn't want a cab, so many empty ones passed us, and when we wanted, THERE WAS NONE!! xD

The three of us sat beside each other in the cab and kept talking crap. (IT RHYMES!)
Then the driver started talking on the phone, and we kept making fun of him! Laughed till stomach painpain.
Whenever the driver said something like a question, i would give the cue and we all nod in unison. :) SUPER CUTE!

Taking the neoprints was a TERROR. Know why? COS TOO MANY PEOPLE!
But the machine we used was a REEEALLY good one. Maybe i'll get my mummy to take it with me later! It was really ALOT of FUN...

And then us SEVEN idiots took pictures in the middle of nowhere (HEEREN), wait till i get the pictures from Belinda then i put up yeah! Many people kept staring at us. I think they thought we were mental psychos. xO

HAH, i wish this day neeever ends. AWW CRAP. And my mum's going to Taiwan EARLY IN THE MORNING tomorrow.

Think i'm watching Aquamarine with Ducky on Monday! Sorry Issie, RAINCHECK!
Or maybe i'll watch TakeTheLead or When a Stranger Calls with Ducky, then leave Aquamarine for Issie!

Here are the neoprints! Click on it to get a clearer view!

The NICER one. The other one was really, not that good.


Thanks to all of you sweet hearts once again!


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Here it comes again...

Exams DO suck. xP

I've been up to so many things since the last time i blogged!
Like for example:

Krystle's PARTY! And the trip to Alysia's house after that.
I found ROYCE. So i'm going half crazy.
I had so much fun before the chinese paper 2 began yesterday!

Cheryl just told me today that negima no.11 came out already! So i'm gonna cheong to go buy after the exams!
And i gotta add things to my 'want' list, and one of it would be to get EVEN MORE ROYCE chocolates! :)

Oh yes. And my mum and i went crazy yesterday!
We bought FOUR tubs of ice-cream from ISLAND CREAMERY! :DD A tub for each of us!
My brother, mother and grandparents! THEY LOVED IT. ;)


KRYSTLE'S PARTY! Wanda and i shared for a bag for KWEESIE! It's similar to mine, just a different color. It's a, umm, clutch/tote-whatever-it's-called bag. And i was so glad when she told me she loved my grey colored one when she saw it!
That would've meant she'd like the prezzie. :)


Camera shy WANDANLE!

Pastries! YUM.

SUPER CUTE PEOPLE! Tessa and her friend. :)

The 'birthday cake'. MADE UP OF MUFFINS!



My family celebrated an EARLY Mother's Day. So we went to Mouth Restaurant in Chinatown! They have the best dimsum! :) Although i'm not much of a dimsum person.

I know i look super sleepy in this, and Vanessa looks toot. BUT WHATEVER. xP
Vanessa looks the nicest in this:

Vanessa and i took many pictures! We had fun teasing each other about CERTAIN things. xD
I wore this new top from Orange Blossom or something, and this denim skirt from FOXwomen! :D VERY PRETTY CLOTHES! Found in Bugis la.

After the lunch, my mum and i took MRT to Tiong Bahru JUST to get this pair of chic sunglasses. It's so suitable for me! Unlike the others.
Anyway! When we transitted trains, there was this group of guys we met. Sadly, only ONE was ultra cool and smart-looking. He had such nice highlights! YUMYUM.

We both wanted this particular seat la. This seat was situated behind this pillar, so i went for it, then he sat down first. When i saw that YUMMY guy sit there, i did this roll-eye face, said with a loud voice = CRAP
and then he immediately stood up and went, "TAKE LA. Come we go there." That was what he said to his mates. xP

WORST STILL, we got off the same stop, went to the same place. It's so obvious they were discussing about me la. Keep turning back. Then at this point, i just stared at the person and rolled my eyes. IDIOT! hee. :D Then somehow they went away...
Shouldn't have acted like that in front of such a... YUM guy! xP

ROYCE chocolates looks like that:

Wait, that's the bag it comes in.

The package before opened...


But you haven't seen it being OPENED. It'll shock your little life. HAH. xD
It's packaged in this THERMAL wrapped up thing. SUPER COOL.

SIGH, life's such a misery nowadays, cause of the bloody exams. And the election.
I HATE school. Haaate studies, haaate so many bloody people. BOO MAN.

TATA. Going off now.
God Bless!

Great thing;
i'm just trying to forget you.