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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

That passion for the run...

Good day, all you people! =)

I had a nice after-school day today! Cheer practice today was SUPER fun. But i guess i was a bit moody during class time, maybe because of PMS. xP
Here's a message to the freaking YOU:
Excuse me, please do not treat me like a fool. I may look like any other person, but do know that i am not one to fool around with, so HELLO. I've already tried to talk to you so what's your freaking problem! Don't show me that attitude, girl.
It doesn't mean that since you have the riches, you can just throw your temper anyhow at friends and make them suffer just to try and make you happy again.
YOU KNOW WHAT? I can just tell you that i'm SO SICK OF YOU, so just bugger off my shoulder. Since you think you're SO great and almighty, you can do whatever you want for all i care, it's just a duty of mine to make my friends smile, so it's no BIGGIE if you just want to piss me off. SO WHAT IF YOU CAN _____? And do it so well, people don't know your stupid stupid temper, so STOP ACTING.
GET OFF MY BACK AND INTO THE DRAIN, cos you know what? I feel like such an idiot always trying to make you laugh, because you're that MEAN. Yes you are, and stop trying to act so emotional and amiable cos it WILL NOT HELP.

Phew. That went well, at least i vented my anger here. But i don't think i will be ignoring that person, cos i'm not supposed to. God would not be happy with me if i did so. =D

Alysia and i were trying to teach issie how to dance the hip hop thing we did during our last PE lesson. And GREAT THING she learnt it well and fast! Now she's able to do that shoulder thing. GOOD JOB ISSIE! ;)
So proud of her...

Anyway! So busy with cheer and all that stuff, and MsWang can be really funny at times, like when she did this YO YO thing at the canteen this afternoon. SO CUTE! :) Teachers can be felt like friends to me sometimes!

NAPFA TRAINING TOMORROW! WANDA LOH! You have to run with me, or you suffer! And then die, eventually. HEHHEH. Stamina's like, GONE. So i must buck up and not lose to the gamers!

Can't wait for Saturday! Can spend one whole day with Issie and on Sunday too! :) We're gonna exercise like freakos.
Cheers for us!

Finished what i gotta say, and YOU, watch out.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm good without you...

HEYLO! =) How have you guys been? Haven't been blogging, i know, but i've been REALLY busy and sleepy these few days. BOOHOO. Can't stay awake even during lessons in school!
i shall blog about the day!

It can't get any better.
Issie was SO excited about the movie thing today. Actually, both of us. Cos we haven't watched a movie for a long time! I mean, not for me, for her. Cos i just watched DORM like, last week. So, yeah.

The games we played in POWER were damn fun! Sam did games, and, yeah. It was cool!
(YuRu didn't come for POWER, and i didn't go for choir practice again! Am feeling EVEN MORE guilty now...)

The teaching was very inspirtational, thought it was talking mostly about sexual immorality, a part mentioned in the book of Numbers.
Doesn't matter though, cos we're all MATURE AND KNOW HOW TO THINK SMART!
Phylis is such a cute person! She's only Pri3 but is already thinking so adult-ishly. That's good, you know. Issie and i were so nice! We brought her to the toilet...

Anyway! After POWER, and much dragging of time, we went to CINELEISURE! Initially, we wanted to go to PS (yes, again!), but somehow decided against it.

Lester somehow ran away to play MAPLESTORY AT THE DUNNO WHAT LEVEL. Didn't even see him, but a nice guy who talks to us! :))

Then we went to eat! Sat with Issie, Xingwei and Sam. They're such jokers! Zongren joined in all the (ULTRA) FUNNY jokes! And really made Issie and i laughed till like mad.
But great thing was that we enjoyed ourselves! And then they asked Issie and i this super personal question.
So weird to even blog about it here. NAH, kidding. I didn't know how to answer them also...

IN ANY CASE! After eating we lazed around in the food court, having fun. Then we went up to the theatre! I didn't know that cineleisure had a LEVEL 9! Did you guys know that? I'm such a dumdum.
The cinema was rather small, but issie and i cozied up anyway! We kept wrestling for the jacket! So fun. But that stupid girl arh, don't know how to stop shaking her legs.
Somehow i felt a mini-earthquake while watching the show, then i saw Isabella's legs shaking like as if she was having spasms. xP

We watched YOURS, MINE AND OURS!! So nice. :) We didn't need to buy popcorn cos LiWei bought a huge size one and we all snacked on it.

The movie was kinda nice, although it wasn't as funny as i expected.
Went to PS afterwards with issie to get my book! So happy. Yesterday, i just bought a COMIC (LOVEHINA), and today, i bought MATES, DATES AND DIAMONDS DESTINY! So happy.
Been searching for that book for like, ever.

Okay! End of today. Am very glad with what i wore! So NICE. :D Ok, end of the day.

Updates so far about my life:
2. Bought alot of clothes but don't know when to wear.
4. Changed bloody seating arrangement in class, so am feeling so weird in school nowadays.
5. Friends dampening my moods everyday, so can only look forward to talking to ISSIE.
6. Feel like i'm drifting even more and more furthur away from God (GOTTA DO SOMETHING).

Yeah, that's about all. SAD HOR.
But so glad i went to BANGKOK! :D SHOPPING PARADISE MAN.
Sad that number 6 is true, cos i don't wanna be in such a distant relationship with my LORD. :(

Thailand's sure in a mess! So better pray for the country!

And i'm now obsessed with dancing again! STILL BROODING OVER THE MODERN DANCE THING. SADLY.

My life's so sad! OKay, gonna stop here already.
Take care, YOU!
And God's blessings shower you and your family!

CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT LIKE MAD MAN. SOME ONE GET SOME FOR ME!!!!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Alternate choices...

Hey guys! :D the March holidays have started! And i'm so glad.
NOT. Everybody's like, so busy with schoolwork and all. Irritating!! So now i have no one to go out with during the holidays.
But i AM going out later. hah.

Never mind! Okay, on Saturday and yesterday(SUNDAY), before the holidays even began, i already had so much fun!
Went to Angeline's house after ---
Then we went to fetch Wanda at KingAlbert something. AND THEN SO ON AND SO FORTH!
It's like a long time ago thing, so i don't wanna talk about it! But just know that we had FUN!

xD Yesterday's POWER rocked my adorable socks! We went TREKKING! Or is it hiking? AH, whatever.
Anyway! We went to Macritchie resevoir, to the TREETOP or something. It's a bridge i've never heard of till yesterday!
Isabella was being such a GOOD friend! Like, she took care of me during the ENTIRE walk. Guess how much we walked? 15KM!!!
Under the super hot sun and weather.

JEANS you know, and the rest wore SHORTS! :P
We were like freaking idiots. hah.

OHYES! People who went:
Me, Issie, YuRu, Sonia, Hide, Qiuyue, Lester, Xingwei, Sam, Liwei, Karene, Karene's friend, Zongren, Phylis(DUNNO HOW TO SPELL!), and two/three other boys. Can't remember most of the people's name! But isn't it amazing how i can remember their names!! haha.
Okay, joking.

Anyway, me and Isabella were super active. She suggested to run in front of the rest of them, so we did. And then LESTER had to catch up!! We thought we were first you know. So disappointing. xP I think he was sent to protect us, since the rest of them were so 'far' behind.
But in the end, he ran till don't know go where. haha.

Me and issie kept running, stopping, walking, then running, stopping, walking again. It was fun cos we got to talk ALOT to each other. :) That's what friends are for!

After the SUPER TIRING AND BLOODY LONG WALK, we went to MACDONALDS!! I guess everybody had the common goal when they walked the trail. TO REACH MACS! hah. :D
Qiuyue treated EVERYBODY to Macdonalds. And NOT the student meal okay!
I ate the DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER MEAL, cos i was like so hungry.

During the entire trip, i think we really had alot of fun, cos of all the 'jokers'. haha.
Okay, not gonna blog already. Doing Math homework now! See, i so hardworking hor.

Will blog soon! So see you.
Good day!
God Bless. ;)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Failure is acceptance...

Hey people! :D
What a BRIGHT AND SUNNY day! Today's SPORTS DAY!! I had so much fun, especially during the running parts!

My 4x100m team got last though. :( Sadly, but we weren't discouraged! Cos we knew that we gave our best, and God did the rest! I guess we were all disappointed...
BUT NEVER MIND! There's still a next time and a next year.
So team! DON'T GIVE UP! We must have that STRONG fighting spirit to beat the other teams next time! GO COOKE!
First was Tolley anyway, then GageBrown, then Fearon. And we were last. BOOHOO.

Anyway! The cheerleading was one of the best! I think COOKE's was very nice! Hmm, maybe i should try out for cheerleading next year instead of going for running, since cheerleading looks kinda fun!
But no. I don't think i will try!
Stick to running!

COOKE HOUSE GOT FIRST FOR CHEER!! So happy. :) And GageBrown was the overall first for the Sports Meet.

Last year's SportsDay sure left me with happy moments! Still remembered that the MWANG gang went to Abidin's house for baking cookies. AND WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! :D Now, no more MWANG. All separated. So sad! :( Was feeling so lonely at home today, then i suddenly thought about the MWANG gang.
The old ones go, the new ones come...

Guess i'll stop here for now. Feeling so sad! SOBSOB.

Goodbye people! :) Take care, and keep tagging.
God Bless!

C is for COOKIE, it's good enough for me!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Drama Queen...

HELLO GUYS! Haven't been blogging for a WAY LONG time! :)
HAVE YOU ALL MISSED ME??? haha. PLEASE LOR. Help keep this blog alive by tagging it!! Don't say i never blog, you all also never tag... xP Kidding!
Okok. I shall blog about the WONDERFUL day!

We had dance today! In as, PE dance! JIVE! And MsAmy said we were the BEST class in dancing. Well well. That's of course la. :D
We all dressed up till like, super grand!
And since i danced the male part, i had to dress up like a BOY. And everybody looked GREAT! i mean, those girls dancing the female part looked BEAUTIFUL!
And the 'boys' looked SMART AND HANDSOME. :)

After which was Math. Really gonna die because of this subject. SO DEAD!! Don't really understand much about the subject of algebra!! So irritating. It's during times like these that i feel like going back to PrimaryONE. So relax.
At least Mr.Tan don't give me anymore trouble, so that's one load off my shoulders. Else i'll die from overloading-stress.

After recess, it was English. I'M SO FED UP WITH THAT MOSQUITO!!! (We call him mozzie cos he SERIOUSLY speaks in a monotone type of voice, what an irritating pig.)
He BETTER change his tone...
Else i'm gonna wrap him up in a box and send him to the Amazon. That's where mozzies live! :) Or i think next term i'll bring BAYGON to school. TO GET RID OF HIM!!!!!! :DD

For DOTS, MdmYow didn't even come. PHEWWW. That left us with ALOT of ease, though during the second period MsRamlah came in! Cos we didn't get a chance to talk to her AT ALL. Even during contact time, we have SUCH little time. :D

SO HAPPY!!! We had so much fun then. And then we took a class photo with MsRamlah's camera. It was DAMN cool okay. And she wanted a picture of the CHEERFUL student!! So i posed like an IDIOT in front of the ENTIRE CLASS and said CHEESE. haha. It was SO COOL! My class can rock so much sometimes. :D

HMMM. My life's getting to be so exciting nowadays. ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOL!
Like, it's SPORTS DAY tomorrow! And i'm running!! So happy. Didn't get to run last year, at least this year, i get to! And i'm going to get the trophy man!! Don't care. We're gonna try our best and do COOKE proud!! :)
Of course, i will update about Sports Day like, tomorrow. And then there's also Learning Journey on Friday, which makes my week EVEN more interesting!

OH YES!! My bro and me bought my mummy a bag! An Abercrombie&Fitch bag as an EARLY Mother'sDay's gift. See, we're so fillial! :D But my bro's paying most of it, so. HEEHEE.
We got it off eBay. It's so cool to buy things off eBay!

Okay, gotta go now. STUDY!! But the holidays are here! And nobody's FREE AT ALL to accompany me. HMPH. Fine, i'll find my own company!! With the animals lor. haha. Joking.

God Bless!