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Sunday, July 24, 2005

It's just another day for you and me in paradise...
WOW! Haven't blogged for a LONG LONG time! :D So much have happened. Anyway, i don't care much about not blogging la!

More like a late happy birthday! Since her birthday was actually on the 20th, which has already past.

Today was SUPER fun la! Let's start!
Woke up kinda late, like around, say 12pm. :D Slept late last night that's why!
Anyway, went for my grandparents' birthday celebration! Their birthday's actually on the 25th and 26th. But just early birthday celebrations! Ate strawberry cheesecake! YUM. I LOVE cheesecakes. Although they make you FAT. But whatever! :D After all this, took bus 147 to Cassandra's house!

Was feeling super LONELY on the bus! Nobody to talk to. But still got phone la! :D
Reached Cassandra's house. Cassandra, Gloria and Brenda came down to pick me! Her house's damn big la! SUPER cosy. :D haha. So we lazed around in her room, AND HER GUITAR WAS THE SAME AS MINE!! :)
We decided to leave for Orchard first, since we had to meet Denise.
Took bus 26 to Toa Payoh first, then MRT. Don't ask me why. They wanted to do that. :D But i just agreed to it also la! MRT was super packed. SQUEEZED in. :D Gave Cassandra her present from me and Gloria in the bus!

Reached Orchard. As usual, Orchard was SUPER crowded. Me and Gloria walked fast, then we didn't realise Cassandra and Brenda weren't behind us till we crossed the road! So we just walked our lane, they walked their lane. From Takashimaya. :)
Then we spotted Denise waiting outside Heeren!
Went into Heeren for.... -drum rolls-....
My best shots ever la! I mean, best neoprint shots! Owed so many people neoprints! Finally took it la! haha. Anyway, the neoprint shop had LOADS of youngsters crowding around. So it was difficult to find a machine for us to use. But we did after all.
This was the MOST tiring neoprint thing which i've taken la! We had to move around and decide on POSES. :D SUPER fun.
We had many poses! But sadly, i dunno how to put up the pictures on blogs la! Maybe i'll scan it in then put it up on friendster! Yeah. I shall do that. :D
Anyway! MY BESTEST shot ever was during the second time we took it. We took two times, btw.

Had to rush to Taka for Seoul Garden! YUMYUM. Didn't eat at Seoul Garden for a long time!
Had LOADS AND LOADS of fun in Seoul Garden. I think we laughed till our stomach burst. Then we went to put it back again. KIDDING. :D
BUT WE JUST HAD SO MUCH FUN! And then Cassandra stuck a chopstick into a sausage(This happened after we've finished eating and hanged around), and then me and Gloria went crazy la! Laughed like siao. LONG TIME NO LAUGH ARH! :) haha.
We played around SO MUCH! I LOVED the sausages part. Then we had to scrape off the disgusting substance that was on our pits! BUT THERE WAS NO COCKLES! Unlike the previous time! :) haha.
Didn't eat alot, cause everybody didn't feel very hungry. We ate mostly meat!! ALOT of meat. I hate seafood la! :D But wonder why everybody likes eating it. NOT RELEVANT. :D
Spent around 1 1/2 hrs eating there. SO MUCH FUNFUNFUN! :D

After eating, we all went to Kinokuniya. Actually, we wanted to take MORE neoprints, but decided not to in the end. Everyone felt tired la, that's why we didn't want to go. :D
BUT ANYWAY, almost couldn't find Gloria & Denise when we went to browse through the 'children' section(as Cassandra calls it this way).

Then we met Auntie and Uncle again. Then we took the escalator ALL THE WAY up. Till the highest floor, which was the like, DECK or something. The carpark, actually. WOW. I didn't know that there was actually a carpark there leh! At the highest floor! No wonder Gloria calls it, HIGH class. The thing very high la. Kidding. :D haha.
Then we saw this half painted arrow. Were very amused by it, so we stopped and Gloria took a picture of it with her camera. haha. SUPER cute. Wonder who the painter is la. :)

IN THE CAR! We had SOSO much fun! :D haha. UNCLE AND AUNTIE were SOSOSO kind to send us home! LOTS OF THANKS! :)
Anyway, there wasn't enough space, as there were FIVE of us. So me, Gloria, Cassandra, Denise and Brenda had to squeeze! haha. Cassandra sat on my lap, and she kept fidgeting. :)
Anyway, after Denise and Brenda left, we had LOADS of fun. I recorded some stupid thing at home, then i played it out to let them hear on my phone. :) Then we recorded EVEN MORE on my phone. I had LOTS of accents. INDIAN, ITALIAN, FRENCH, you name it, you get it. :D haha. Kidding. But it was SUPER cool la! :D TWO THUMBS UP!
Then i made auntie and uncle laugh like crazy till auntie decided to drop me off at KKH for a psychiatrist! haha. But she was kidding la! haha. :D

Came home smelling stinky. Quickly went to bath. FELT SO GOOD!
Anyway, can't wait for SONICFEST! You all should totally go buy tickets. Wonder if they're still available. But anyway, yeah. GOGOGO!
Tomorrow's church! YAY. Weekends are all that i can look forward to only, sadly. :D
Wonder when i'll blog again. Think it's 55 years later la. KIDDING. :)


Friday, July 08, 2005

Just next to you...
OHH. I changed my layout! I LOVE this layout. But i don't bleed everytime/day/whatever. :D
Anyway, i've always done paragraphing like just pressing ENTER once. Now, i know it's TWICE. So it should be like that:

Yeah! This is paragraphing. So i'm gonna learn from this way now. AM SO GLAD! Changing my layout MADE MY DAY! :D haha. And i just realised i haven't blogged for QUITE many days. SO ANYWAY, nothing's new, oh. Except for the fact that Yahui's not coming for CHURCH FOR 13 WEEKS! EEK. Will feel so bored without her. No. I won't feel bored! I have EUNICE AND GLORIA! :D

So anyway, today. School, not much of fun. BUTBUT. Chapel rocked!! SonicEdge, THAT band, CAME! But only two. Or is it one? i dunno. But he played GOOD GOOD guitar! SUPER good. :D And then they promoted SONICFEST!!! I'm GOING! Who's not? haha. :D

I CAN'T WAIT FOR SONICFEST!! EEEKK. haha!. Signed up for tickets already, am buying it with Gloria. Hope Isabella and Eunice will go too!
After chapel, went with Gloria to the library to do our devotion. HMM.. Had FUN while searching for topics to talk on. And we finally got one.
Am feeling so nervous. Can't wait to do devotions. :D Then went home on bus 174. What a long journey.
Feel so weird putting my post this way.It's suddenly so BLANK.

Shucks, so many people's birthdays fall in JULY. What a month. And i forgot most of them. So, no presents for the time being. :D
Anyway, can't wait for tomorrow. Am going to mum's office, THEN TO ESCAPE WITH MY MUMMY! haha. CAN'T WAIT FOR EVENTS HAPPENING IN JULY! :D
July's such a busy month. I like being BUSY! haha.
That's all for TODAY!
Toodle-dooooooooo! :D

Sunday, July 03, 2005

She was looking OH so fine...
AH! Haven't blogged for quite many days! So i'm gonna BLOG ABOUT TODAY! :D
OKAY! Today!
Went for church service. WAS FUN FUN FUN! Totally. Had so much fun with Eunice & Gloria! They're such nice + fun people!! SO LOVE being with them. But sad Isabella didn't come.
Anyway! Today was the E & D, Enrolment and Dedication service for the GB + BB companies. Met Chirnchip first, then Gloria. So! When the BB boy approached us, asking us whether we were going for the E & D service, we though we heard DNT. So i said like, I DIDN'T BRING MY TOOLS! Okay, if you don't get it, too bad. :D
GB & BB MARCHING IS SUPERSUPER COOL!! Sometimes i wonder if whether i should have chosen GB as my CCA. But anyway, it doesn't clash with anything! If i didn't chose Badminton, that is. But anyway, THEY'RE SUPER COOL. Their marching is FABULOUS! EEK. I LOVED the part when the BB + GB people were trooping in/out of the Colours. Don't know why it's known as Colours either, but, JUST NICE! :D
GB AND BB people are totally COOL man. And they so ROCK.
Anyway! Hung out in the canteen for awhile after E & T. Met Eunice there! She was at the children side playing the guitar, so, didn't get to see her during E & T.
After we hung out ABIT, me & Gloria went to Macdonalds! Actually, we went to Adam Rd's to eat, but we didn't know what to EAT, so, we decided Macdonalds. Since we go there often. I didn't get to eat MCFLUFFY. No fair.
ANYWAY! When we came back, we went to the chapel office for a briefing at around, 12++. Joe was SUPER funny. They talked about bread, and then he said, can choose whether you want WHITE BREAD, EDGE CUT-OFF BREAD or Sandwich bread and alot of others, but in the end, you end up with choosing what SHAPE of bread you want only. haha. So it's STILL bread la! :D Enoch and Joe is SUPER FUNNY.
We HUNG OUT again at the chapel's office after that, waiting for the program to start, then we talked about what we usually talk about, and then Eunice took a guitar and started playing HER SONGS! HER songs okay. NOT others. SHE COMPOSED IT HERSELF!!! She's totally genius + gifted. Anyway! After a while, we went downstairs as the children were READY! :D
And then we wore a purple sort of vest for the kids to identify us as helpers. The kids were REALLY FUN & LIVELY! Super cute. Anyway! The songs played were all VERY NICE!
SO! Pirate Joe came. He looked REALLY like a pirate. Then we started to play a treasure hunting sort of game.
Me and Gloria were actually supposed to be station mistresses together, but they needed an assistant leader, so they called Gloria there. So Eunice became my partner instead! We had GREAT fun in the Patmos Hall. With Esther. We were acting out a play. Can't say it out. :P Not very proper. :D
SO! Once the kids started to come in, me and Eunice started the CHALLENGE. GRR. Kidding.
Anyway, we delibrately let the kids win. Actually, we were sort of BIASE la. BUDDEN, THE KIDS WERE SOO CUTE! How can you resist? haha. Kidding. But they were seriously cute!
Anyway, after that, they made Sandwiches. I was SOO hungry. I felt like taking their sandwiches and running away like as if i was the pirate instead, stealing little kids' food. :D
Then we had to leave, because i had to come home.
Had dinner with my mum after that.
That's all for today. CHURCH IS SUPER FUN.
Anyway, read about how bad YAHUI's family's torturing the panda that i gave Eunice. BOO. haha. The panda's SUER ROUND leh! :D
HEHE. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Gotta go.
Toodle-dooooooooo! :D