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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Harajuku girls you got the wicked style, i like the way that you are, i am your biggest fan...
This blog is dying soon. Maybe i should decide on whether to close it down or not. :D So, TAG people! Grr...
Okay! I'd rather blog about yesterday than today.
So yesterday, Tuesday! Okay, WE HAD AMAZING RACE! haha. It was SO fun. The stations were all so interesting and challenging. And we had to walk for the WHOLE race. NO public transport allowed. :D But we still did well! Though we were the LAST group to arrive. :D Then the other 1E5 girls pretended to be asleep in the bus, which was SUPER obvious that they were faking la! They couldn't even act properly! haha.
Okay, we had instructors Timonthy and Jason. For my team, we had instructor Timonthy, the other one, register no. 21 - 41, had Instructor Jason la! Instructor Timonthy was SUPER enthu. He was very energetic. But stupid people said that he looked like a girl. DUMB la. Why can't males keep long hair? Anyway, his hair wasn't that long also. Brainless.
Okay, so firstly we went to the WHITE HOUSE. To see bushes. haha. I guess we got different types of stations from other people. Every body had different types of stations. :D
The roadblocks were VERY cute. The first one was to find two passer-bys to sing the 'SHE BANGS' song by William Hung. And they were supposed to do the actions with us! :D SOO funny. Then the second one was, from what i can remember, getting attention from three passer-bys by shouting or doing cheers(we did this). The next was getting two passer-bys to do an 'act cute' pose with us. And we got two very pretty, helpful, kind, whatsoever ladies to do the act cute pose with us. OOH! yes. And there was this station when you're supposed to get two dollars from the public without begging. So we sang Amazing Grace to this family of four, they were foreigners. SO HELPFUL! :D WE loved them for that.
All stations were interesting, and we only skipped one, but was still late. haha. :D SO FUN! And on the way back to school, we sang alot of songs and cheers. IT WAS SO FUN! Okay, i was probably wrong about 1E5, but still, they didn't really show alot of POWER for the whole thing. :D STILL GOOD LA!
And then during the evening, there was the SYF concert. BRAVO! I LOVE dances. And i'm definitely gonna join modern dance when i'm in JC. SAJC, actually. They did the Jazz la! SO COOL! uh-h. :D And i LOVED LOVED LOVED the chinese dance. AND THE BAND! No wonder we did so well for SYFs. I love the arts, SO SO much. I REALLY REALLY regretted joining badminton. I could have joined either modern dance or chinese dance la! But i can't do those splits and stuff. Shucks. :D NEVER MIND! There's still JC. :D
I don't really want to blog about today. Everything was SO boring.
Now i go to school, wished that i've never been there. Come back home, wished i could stay. :D
I really can't wait till JC time! Then i would be SO SO umm... mature(?) by then! haha. :D
Can't wait. And then i would have completed Sec 4 and stuff. OOH! I can't wait. EEEEEEKK.
Gotta goo. BYEEE. :D

Monday, May 23, 2005

My sweet tooth i want your candy...
Ooh. The weekend sucked. There wasn't much to do. And yesterday was a disaster. :D
Okay, so there was service yesterday. AND I LOOKED LIKE A JAPANESE GIRL! That's what someone Yahui introduced to me & Gloria said. :D Japanese doll, me. haha. :D
Service was KIND OF interesting. But i tried my best to stay awake this time. I really am a very BAD BAD person. I can't even stay awake for AWHILE! :D There was no POWER yesterday. Because of the family day. And i could SO totally skip the cookiees thing with Wanda and Abidin. Because Gloria didn't need to go home so early too! EEK. Damn. And so, we missed family day for that time. I am SO SAD.
After service, went to the food centre for lunch. Ate CHICKEN RICE again! :D I love chicken rice, don't you? :D
AND JUNE LOH CALLED ME AND AH SOH LA! She said that i looked like an AH SOH. Damn. Do i? haha. :D And people said i looked like a japenese doll. :D
Okay, i was a little late for the cookiees thing. Because of the damn traffic. And the stupid bus. Which was SO jerky. :D And then i managed NOT to fall asleep! With the constant sms-ing la! And my book. :D I definitely cannot live without books la!
I was VERY shocked when i reached la! Abidin was laughing like crazy with her senior, FIFI. And Abidin told me FIFI, was very afraid of me, BECAUSE I SHOUTED AT HER! I dunno for what reason also leh! :D
SO! We went to NTUC. For ingredients. We messed things up everywhere. What do you expect? We are only 13 year olds dumbells/brainless people. Kidding. :D
After that, we took a bus down to Wanda's house. AND ABIDIN LOST HER WALLET! Not exactly, but she left it on the bus. :D So poor thing leh, she! She was SO worried. And she kept telling us about how her mum just told her about this episode of crime watch, where the loan sharks take your IC number to borrow money or collect money or something! She was so worried that it will happen to her. She was SO depressed during the whole thing la!
Okay, then we reached Wanda's house. Her house is on the 25th FLOOR! I don't see why people would want to stay in a place where it's SO ABOVE the ground. :D
And her house was something like Krystle's. But her house had alot of antiques.
And her whole family was at home when we came.:D And her sister, Amanda, was damn fun to talk with. She was like Abidin's mum. Who contributed to our Ms Wang talk. haha. It was SO cool. :D
Then her dad made us prawn noodles. They were SOO nice! :D Then Abidin and Wanda went to the room for i-dunno-what. And me & Amanda were eating and chatting stuff about school la. And she's really VERY fun to talk to. :D
We did make the cookiees. But not really, in that sense. Because everything was simply WRONG. And she had a DOG la! I was SO afraid everytime her dog barked. I can't wait to get into the kitchen. :D So we did A BIT. But we gave up though. :D
Everything just went wrong yesterday. It was pathetic, our cookiees. And on the trip home, the bus was SO crowded, and hot, and stuffy. I couldn't stand it. :D And i was SO sleepy.
TODAY! Me & my mum did the MOST best-est thing that every mother and daughter in the world does, BAKING! haha. We baked chocolate chip cookiees together! I'm cookiees crazy already.:D And i love being that. :D Our cookiees were SO SO nice! Recipe courtesy of Yahui. :D THANKS SO MUCH, YAHUI! :D
The cookiees were JUST NICE. :D And i'm bringing some to school tomorrow for friends to try!
I can't wait till tomorrow. When everything will be, i hope, fun! And i HAVE to buy the tickets for the PCK musical soon. :D
I can't wait for TOMORROW! uh-h. :D There's Amazing Race( OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL! ), and the youth concert. :D yay. I can't wait for both to come!
Okay, that's all for today.
Toodle-doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D

Friday, May 20, 2005

I just created a new photo album.
It was about the 16th of May one. At Seoul Garden and the stayover.
Visit it! :D
Toodles. :D

I walk this empty street, on the boulevard of broken dreams...
Yesterday and today was fun. :D
Had CF yesterday. FUN FUN FUN! After CF was fun. During CF, well, we did some other stuff. But after CF, we had loads of fun just playing POLAR BEAR! And we're playing it tomorrow leh! haha. Chips-o-Mania! So sad. Not many people wanted to go. :D
So! Polar bear is fun, but, i don't want to elaborate too much. There's supposed to be a hunter, a polar bear and MANY villagers. Living in places which have super funny names, Dorothyland, and St John's Chapel CSI! haha. We were having SO much fun just playing the game! :D haha. The hunter was dead even before the polar bear was being caught. And Yahui SURE knows how to act innocent! Can't trust her no more. :D Kidding.
Went home REALLY late hence, but i didn't regret! Simply because we had so much fun la!
Had badminton, finally. And the High Achievers' company came again. Today's session wasn't boring! We had this really, bonding sort of game. Our class used a raffia string to string every girl in our class together. It was REALLY uncomfortable. I even had problems sitting and standing. But overall, it was really fun. :D And there was this one hunt, where we had to have water in our mouth and then singing the school song's chorus. COOL! :P And then after that, we played a little game again. This one sure was damn fun. We were supposed to go around in circles, depending on how our coach blows the whistle. COOL! :D And we were supposed to sit on the person's lap behind you. Very fun. :D And i was one of the fifteen who went up to play the game for our class la! COOL! :D And we managed to stay there for, the first round, we were supposed to stay there for a minute, then the second, we stayed for two minutes. It was very tiring though, but fun! :D
Seeing as how 1E5 behaved and reacted today, i finally knew why 1E5 got LAST in the Amazing Race. Not surprising. :D And i saw the type of 'unity' that 1E5 presented. It was totally awful okay. Not that i hate my class whatsoever, but i really think 1E5's attitude suck la. Other classes are all so, TOGETHER, not ours. We are funny, yes we are, but we don't have teamwork! At all! Like how, during the scavenger hunt, the front girls didn't care about the back girls, whether they felt uncomfortable, pain, or whatever. They just had ONE goal in their minds, and that was to WIN. That was what they'd wanted la, they didn't even care about the others. So, what this is really all about, is that, 1E5 has COMPLETELY no unity, no teamwork.
So for this Tuesday's Amazing Race, i think 1E5 is most probably gonna be the last one again. Because, simply, we don't have the HEART to want to work together! But just simply let one person do ALL the job. Which is SO wrong. :D No offence though, 1E5 girls. This is my point of view towards our class. See, we have SUCH an irresponsible teacher already, and with students like us being one big family with a teacher who doesn't bother, HOW CAN WE EVER WIN? Ask yourself sometimes. :D
Ooh. I can't wait till tomorrow! When we have the Chips-o-mania! haha. It's gonna be SO cool. And we're going to be eating all sorts of colours of chips! It's SO cool. I can't wait! :D But so sad, so little girls are going only. WHY? :D
OH OH! And girls, you GOT TO support the SYF dance girls for the concert on Tuesday! They've praticed really hard! After badminton today, when me & Gloria went to the canteen, we saw all the dance girls there. And they're gonna have to be practicing for like, until 9 pm! Poor thing. SO WE SHOULD ALL GIVE THEM SUPPORT! :D
Sometimes thinking of how 1E5 is makes me want to just leave the class and the school. No spirit at all.
Gotta go. Toodles! :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm so tired of your big, bad love...
Today was OKAY. But i felt really tired and irritated. So sorry to those who i've acted rudely to! :D
Okay, I miss E-LIFE dance practices so much. SO much. How i wish that we can still have dance practices. Forever. :D Then we can go dancin' in the moonlight again! Sigh. uh-h.
Today! IH! Well, i LOVE it when the teachers come late for lesson. It's like, we get FREE TIME! :D So, Ms Ho was late. Today was 'checking of the scripts day'! :D I do hope that the people who did the exam did well! :D
Okay, then Science. I HATE PHYSICS. That's all i got to say for science. :D
PE! WE LEARNED CHA-CHA! haha. Cha cha is SO cool. I can't wait to learn the other dances! No. I can't wait to learn ALL of the dances. I wonder when i'll get to learn ballroom dancing. That's almost like the most necessary one that you need to know at least. Right? :D And some IDIOTIC people probably just have NO appreciation of the arts. So they'll just say dancing Cha Cha is stupid. Whatever. :D Only senseless people say that.
Speech & Drama! Nothing interesting. :D
PSE! No Ms Wang for like, the whole lesson? Yes. And we were supposed to discuss for our CIP groups. It's totally messed up. No more Alysia. No more Jasmine. :( I hate ALL my groups! They're all so uncooperative. And it's so difficult even to just get us all to meet up one day. Sickening. If only we could have automated groups. And we haven't decided what to do for our CIP. Now we have no more MWANG baking team, everything's not fun. Unlike those days. Sigh. :D
Literature! Equally boring. Or rather, worse.
AFTER SCHOOL! No more dance practice. Had two photo taking sessions. One for badminton, one for CF! Badminton first. So me, Isabella and Gloria went to the library for reading and stuff. We didn't do much there. Then we changed for Badminton and went for photo taking. I love ALL the candid shots that i took! It was SO cute. ALL the sec one girls in CF also in Badminton stood together and did a BIG pose. Which was SUPER nice okay!:D LOVE LOVE!
Then we had to seriously RUSH to the the library, quickly put on our uniforms because we didn't have time to change. Then we rushed back to the hall. And then we arranged our positions. Then we took our pictures. I was standing beside GLORIA this time! :D
And then the candid shot was, all the sec ones rushed to the front to sit, then the WHOLE CF pointed to where that time we danced for E-LIFE! The sign the 'A KING IS BORN'! Soo nice! :D

Sigh. Then Isabella left. So Gloria and i went home too. We didn't have fun. ANYMORE. I think we're all still in a tired mood. It will definitely take us ALL sometime to get back to normal. All the laughter and fun. Can't wait. :D
Came home, went to plaza singapura with mum and cousin. Bought two tops, one skirt! I LOVE THEM! Vanessa and i have the BODY for the clothes! They were SUPER nice. :D And we loved them! It was SUPER expensive though. But worth it. :D
FINALLY! Can't wait for CF tomorrow. After such a long time of having NO CF. Not used to it. FINALLY! haha. :D
Okay, gotta goo.
Toodles! :D

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

When the moon is big & bright...
FUN FUN FUN! I finally got back the HOT CHICK DVD! haha. And then i watched it for the like, fourth time? Yeah. :D
Monday, no school. FUNFUNFUN! Morning, met up with Gloria. Then we went to the CC. Stranded outside the hall because we were 40 minutes too early. After what seems to be like a year, Archana came! So we went in, then we started to play!
People who came = Me, Cheryl, Gloria, Eve, Archana.
Cheryl has STYLE when she plays man! I LOVE her back hand. It's damn cool la! Mine's like as if i'm dancing ballet. haha! Cool. :D Poor Elaine, she came TOO late. We played for 2 hours, THEN she arrived. haha. But Cheryl and Archana stayed with her, i think. :D I definitely improved ALOT. Playing with Cheryl helps ALOT. ALOT ALOT. haha. :D Exaggerating.
After badminton! Phew, we were SO tired. And we were sweating like mad la. Eve, Gloria and me took a bus to taka. I LOVE the australian ad screened on TV mobile la! Gloria too. :D We always sing it out loud in the bus whenever that ad comes on. haha. :D FUN!
WE REACHED! Seoul Garden. :D Haven't been there for a LONG time. Like, two/three months?
We took MANY pictures. And i'm definitely gonna post it up SOME day. Like, i'll tell you all.:D The pictures are all very nice! :D We took the reflections of our shoes at a mirror. It's so cool! uh-h. And our shoes were all glowing!:D We took ALOT of food. Because we definitely had to make good use of what we spend right?! And it's from like $9 to $15! So, cannot waste! :D
After lunch! I didn't feel full. So, we went to Kinokuniya. I'm definitely gonna drag my mum to bring me there someday. They have MORE books then Liang Court's one la! No wonder. I could find so many books there! :D Then me and Gloria decided to run away from Eve. haha. More info on this, go to EVE's blog. :D Don't want to explain furthur. :D
Okay, so after all this prankster stuff, me and Gloria decided to GO HOME. :D Had LOADS of fun in the bus, as usual. :D
When i reached home, i IMMEDIATELY went to bath okay! It was SO hot! :D And i felt SO sticky. Then i packed and checked the last few contents of my bag, if whether i missed out anything or not, then i went to meet Gloria! In the bus. Not at the bus-stop. I boarded bus 66, then i saw her at the front seat. Like, RIGHT IN FRONT. And i couldn't see her. :D
Then we reached! And we went to Macdonalds. And we had dinner there. Light dinner. VERY light dinner. Like, coke float plus fries? Yeah. That's what i ate. So we decided if the gates weren't opened, we would camp out with our sleeping bags under the highway. And it's VERY dark. :D Okay, right? Then when we reached the school, the gates were really ALL locked leh! We panicked, of course! Then i quickly call Yahui, ah! And then Suzanna came down to unlock the gates for us. There were only THREE SEC ONES! Cool man. Me, Gloria and Isabella. Once we reached, we put down our bags, then we watched a few of the videos that the girls actually have to dance for amazing race, it's one of the stops la. SUPER CUTE. Especially the pointing one. HAHA! I wonder who got it.:D Two BOLLYWOOD videos! Cool.
So we went downstairs to help move the chairs, and then halfway, Isabella called. She reach already! But she forgot her sleeping bag. That's very stupid.:D She brought two THIN blankets. Gloria's reaction was, WHY YOU GO KK HOSPITAL STEAL THEIR BLANKETS ARH! AIYO. She's very, very slow. :D Kidding! uh-h.
Then we three helped the other mentors push chairs and all that. There were MANY people. Actually, not MANY, but QUITE alot la. All staying over. :D More protection.
After that, we had a time of CP in the shalom room. It was very touching. :D
AFTER ALL THAT, we took out bags, moved into the shalom rooms, unfolded our sleeping bags, laid them on the floor, and lied down. The floor is DAMN DAMN hard okay! Wait, carpeted floors, actually. Then we talked for awhile, then we went to sleep. We THREE couldn't sleep okay! And we were asked to move. :D So we went head to head with the sec twos, and they were SUPER funny at night. So it was difficult to try to sleep like that. When they were cracking jokes, and we were laughing like crazy. :D
But in the end, i think i got only 3 HOURS of sleep in total. And then in the middle of the night, i got the time! It was 3.48am when i woke Gloria up and she willingly went to the toilet with me. We couldn't even sleep! And Isabella was the one who was enjoying the most. She put one of the cushions under a blanket, and then we sleeps on it. She even brought her own mini pillow. :D
Woke up at 5.30am. We were ALL feeling groggy when we woke up. SO TIRED! We only got to sleep for a few hours. It was SO sad. :D So we got ready and all, then we met Grace David at 6.15am or something, four of us went to the canteen for breakfast. Yawn. :O
Then once we reach the chapel at like, 6.35am, almost everybody was there! And all the mentors woke up already. We finished packing everything properly and neatly. :D I CAN FOLD A SLEEPING BAG! I'm so proud of myself. ;D
So we started moving instruments to the hall. I carried the keyboard, SUPER heavy. Or was i too tired? Then Gloria took over half way.
Few moments later, assembly time. Yawn. After assembly, us E-LIFE girls went up to the hall. Then we changed. Then the sec ones + sec twos went for amazing race. The sec threes + fours + fives came into the hall. We were all, thank God, not feeling nervous. So we danced very well for both rounds. And then there was photo taking. I LOVE the candid shots. Cute! haha. :D Everything was SO nice. Then we went for recess, changed to our CF shirts again, and then we went up to the hall. We started dancing for our second time, and i'm DEFINITELY sure we did better for the second time.:D Everybody committed the same BIG one mistake though. And that was during the first part, when we were supposed to be clapping our hands for awhile, then do we squat. But the dance was WELL DONE! haha. :D
Okay, then. We all finished. And there was MS WANG's supplementary class. I wouldn't call that supplementary, though. It was more like, candid class? I dunno. SICKENING LA! :D
And we ate lunch in the patmos hall before going to class. That's why we weren't punished. I shared a box with Alysia. Wow. We finished it. SO HUNGRY! :D After school, Gloria waited for me. Thank you SO much! Our bus trip home was VERY quiet. We were both so sleepy. And then Gloria fooled around with her camera in the bus. And i played a bit with mine too. It wasn't boring, wasn't fun. But everything just went well for E-LIFE and all! I'm so happy! :D
I'm SO happy. I MISS PRACTICES! SO fun. Now no more already. NO MORE. How i wish we can have dance forever! I miss dancin' in the moonlight with Isabella and Alysia. :D
Gotta go now! :D Toodle-dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Bubble, pop, electric...
Yesterday was FUN FUN FUN man! Went for Jerlynn's birthday party with Ulindra, Alysia, Wanda, Suzanna & Krystle! It was SOOOO fun! And her house is like, DAMN big la. DAMN BIG okay! :D
I'm SO jealous. So i guess we all hate Jerlynn now for staying in such a BIG house. BIG okay! With a jacuzzi PLUS swimming pool! Sweet.:D
Yesterday, Saturday.
MET up with GLORIA for dance practice! I LOVE THE DANCE MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE! It's SUPER cool okay! Give comments after the dance so as to improvise if we ever dance next time! haha.:D Damn fun. Then Yahui took a video of us dancing. It was VERY nice okay! I can't wait for Tuesday. :D AHHHHHHH!
So we had PLENTY of fun during practice too. :D After practice, me and Alysia went to meet Wanda & Ulindra. And then there were MORE people coming with us! Suzanna came. Then KRYSTLE! We saw a small orange dot at first. Then it came closer, THEN we realised that it was Krystle. Birthday parties are SO cool. :D
So we went to Coronation to get a present for Jerlynn. Some of them bought theirs already la! Like me.:D Okay, so. Then we walked to Jerlynn's house.
OHMYGOSH. We were SO excited when we saw ALL the big houses along the road. Then we saw this African style type of house. Ulindra, Alysia and me were squeaking and then we ran towards that house. And we were SUPER shocked when we saw it la! So we were all having a 'ohmygosh!', 'JERLYNN!!!' compeitition. CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW BIG HER HOUSE IS! :D
And her dad even hired a CATERER okay! She told us when she was primary five, she organised a birthday party too, and here daddy hired a MAGICIAN! She's bloody rich okay! :P Jealous.
And we were all in her super enclosed ENTERTAINMENT lounge la. So were all like, wasting time, sitting in front of the air con cooling ourselves. Her house is DAMN COOL! And she has all that stuff, and a SUPER big plasma TV okay! Her house is just magical. Like a dreamland. And all of the bathrooms have BATH TUBS okay! Her parents' bathroom has a JACUZZI! Gosh. And every bedroom except Jerlynn's has a bathroom to it's own! And her toilets are JUST like the hotels' ones. BIG and classy. Damn cool la. :D

Her house has MANY antiques. Very ancient type. And they even have an Angklung. Cool man! haha. :D uh-h.
After eating and all that, they began to swim. So when they swam, there were these group of boys, and think primary three. They were SUPER vulgar and violent okay. We couldn't stand them when they shoot their waterguns at the girls who were swimming. So, Wanda started shouting insults at them. And they scold Wanda, fucking bitch. Cool right?
So young know how to say like that already. Then Wanda went to the second floor's balcony and started shouting EVEN MORE insults at them. Like scolding them little puny kids and stuff like that. And we even called them MWB! haha.:D Then Lucia joined her, then i went up. Then we all shouted at them like crazy. It's was SO cool!:D FUN FUN FUN. And their parents were there also lor! Fiona was the MOST unlucky one. We shouted all the insults, she was the one who was drenched all the way. HAHA! It was SO cool. Then Fiona was like, bad aiming man, these boys. haha. :D Cool.
Then we did the usual stuff, then me & Alysia walked to the bus stop together. Of course la, cannot be compared to Gloria. :D Gloria's the funnest of the funnest. haha.
We went to church! Gloria was SUPER late okay, but somehow we weren't late for service la.:D Then we met Deqi! And Ruth. Then Yahui came. Then we sat at the first front rows. There was this group of dancers from another church who came to dance. All the youths. COOL man!:D They were all wearing suits which look EXACTLY like plumbers' work type of shirts. haha. Hey! That's style man! uh-h. So, we had fun today also. Then we had a small talk with Yahui, and then we went for POWER. Today was FUN FUN FUN! Vivien came too. And then we played a game, and then we introduced ourselves with what animals we liked.
haha. I like cheetahs, gloria liked BUTTERFLIES. The most gentle one. haha!
So after church, we didn't go for lunch with the rest. We took bus 174, the together die bus. To plaza singapura. And there, we saw them having this DARE compeitition. Organized by perfect 10. Disgusting leh! One of the girls put her hand into a fish tank filled with 240000 MEALWORMS to search for a gold pin. She found it la. And she won $20. Then another BRAVE guy went to EAT the worms. And he said they tasted like rotten milk. EEW. He ate 12 worms. $5 for the first two. Then he ate the rest of the 10 all at one go! $1 for each worm. So he won $20 la! What people do to get money. Amazing. :D
And i felt super nauseous then. Sick. And when they were going to dare a lady to put her face in the tank, we ran for our bus. haha. :D
Today was FUN FUN FUN! With yesterday, it was FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!
haha. :D STAY OVER TOMORROW! I can't wait. GLORIA AND ISABELLA! I love them both. GLORIA especially! Okay, gotta go.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Everybody's feelin warm and bright...
Ahh! I'm going crazy over that song! I can't get it out of my head! haha. :D It's SUCH a nice song!
I can't believe it. Like, on Tuesday, we're gonna dance already! For E-LIFE! I can't wait. And we're dancing twice! That's AMAZING! And exciting! Ooh. uh-h. :D
Okay, today! Phew. The chinese dance coach came to give us positions! Ohgosh! I'm standing at the front! Even when i'm so tall! haha. And the short ones stand behind. I'm like, at the third row? So guys, don't worry! You can't miss me! :P I'm ego, i know. haha!
School, nothing interesting, so i shall skip that. Ooh! There's chapel today! At SJC!
AND I FINALLY GOT TO HEAR YOU SING! haha! :P I've been DYING to hear you sing! And i finally got to! haha. :D Too bad you didn't hear me! You shall cry!
Okay, chapel was damn fun today. We were on the topic of super heros. My female super hero is, umm, i think MULAN. But Mr Chiong somehow pronounces it as moo-land. haha! Super cool. :D
AFTER SCHOOL! ah. I DO wish that this E-LIFE practice will never end. I MISS PRACTICE! Especially yesterday. Yesterday was the last day for fooling around. I'm SO sad! :(
No more Dancin' in the moonlight. After chapel, us, the foursome, met up for lunch again. Then we laughed, and spoke in MANY different accents. It was WAY WAY WAY fun! haha. :D
Last practice today. NO MORE! I want MORE practices. MORE MORE. Practices with ONLY Sec ones. Because only the sec ones are hyper and active. We're YOUNG. :D
So! The chinese dance teacher came, and she gave us our position la! I LOVE MY POSITION! It turns out the sec 3s, 4s & 5s gets E-LIFE before recess, then the sec 1s & 2s do amazing race then. I don't get to play amazing race. :( ALL the CF dance girls don't get to.
BUT WE DON'T MIND! haha. :D We love dancing, especially for our Lord. :D
Okay, today's dance practice was QUITE tiring, since the chinese dance teacher's actions were really very chinese dance-like. VERY. She wanted us to do some of the actions and we were like huh? Is she kidding us? haha. :D But we didn't do it la, in the end.
And the dance's REALLY nice! The sec ones are ready, and so are half the sec twos. :P
OH OH! And on Monday, no school right? So we're gonna STAY OVERNIGHT! Till like 5.30am the next morning we wake up, do morning stuff. And then 6.30 we have to move the instrument and all! SO I'M GONNA SPEND LOADS OF TIME WITH MY FRIENDS! ISABELLA & GLORIA! :D
STAY OVER YOU KNOW! So excited! :D
After all that, practice and stuff, ME & GLORIA WENT HOME! And we talked SO much about the next few days! I LOVE GLORIA! :D haha. She's SO much fun! And i can't believe i didn't talk to her for the past 4 years. Till this year. Sad. :D
I'm gonna be SO busy the next few days! Tomorrow, dance practice 9am plus Jerlynn's party. Then Sunday, CHURCH! Then Monday, badminton plus STAY OVER! Then Tuesday, TIME FOR DANCE! haha. :D I love being busy.
Finished for the day, now toodle-dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D:D

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dancin' in the moonlight...
No more movies to watch, how sad. :( But i have fun EVERYDAY! haha.
Okay, today!
IH, test. Okay, i got this very bad feeling about my tests. Like i'm gonna fail all of them.:D
Okay, then science, nothing. PE, i was a pacer again! This time for Jillian. wanda paced Michelle. There was only two of them. Somehow, the people i pace always fail. Is it that sad? Gosh. And Michelle passed! Well done! I feel sad for Jillian. She needs to retake again! :D
Then recess, nothing. After recess, speech & drama! Ooh. I HATE Ms Potato! She's always picking on people with fringes. And there were SO many people who didn't pin up their hair la! And she HAD to pick on us few. Abidin, Michelle and me were the victims. And then there were those SUPER scary and mysterious knocks coming from next door. Okay, we were very afraid. VERY afraid.:D It was a bit like, Boogeyman? Okay, that's not very scary. And we are to memorise like, ONE poem? One doesn't sound much, but you should see how long the ones that she give us are! Longer than my hair! haha. That's true! :D
Then PSE, Ms Wang, nothing to say. Literature, test. This whole week is full of tests. And it's very boring, you know, teachers! Sick.
AFTER SCHOOL! Stayed back for dance again! Today, Grace, Alysia, Isabella, Gloria, Selina & ME stayed for dance practice! And we had MUCH MORE fun than yesterday! It just keeps getting better. :D Okay, we played DANCIN IN THE MOONLIGHT TODAY! And we had PLENTY of fun again. Selina was acting, ahem, seductive. Eew. And she is a VERY good actress. haha. We didn't have much practice, as we were fooling around. haha! It's so fun! :D And we created EXTRA dance steps! It was SO cool. :D
Phew. I don't have time for everything. I got to stay back like, everyday for dance practice. And i have programmes on weekends and Monday. :D

Late. Toodle-dooooo!! :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Cockroaches, beetles, butterflies and bugs...
That rhyme is STUCK in my head, thanks to Alysia. And probably Shiny Shiny too. haha. ;D
I just watched MEET THE FOCKERS! haha. It is SOO nice. And i thought that show would be like, ultra boring. But no. :D
And they went what the fock instead of you know what. :D You gotta buy the DVD! Not the VCD.
Ooh! I have partners for EVERRYTHING! :D And they are GREAT partners!
Isabella = Badminton partner, girl talk partner
Jasmine = Running partner! For almost all the running stuff la
Carissa Chin = GAMES! Sims 2, actually
Carissa Abidin = Joker, full of laughter partner :D
Gloria = EVERYTHING PARTNER!!! haha.
But i so sad. Gloria's moving out soon. Very soon. And then we won't be able to take bus 174 and laugh like a pair of mad bitches, go to macdonalds for mcflurry anymore! So depressing. :(
Okay, today. Class was ultimately boring, so i won't brood over that.
After school is now ALWAYS fun! I can't wait for school to end everyday.:D So fun! Just FUNFUNFUN! haha. Okay, so after school today, we were supposed to go to the chapel's office to help the people there do something for the amazing race thing. But we weren't needed anymore! So, we decided to practice our dance. It's SUPER fun. But we panicked when we couldn't find the original CD. We got the 'fake' one instead. And it didn't have the song inside! We as in me, Alysia, Isabella, Gloria & a bit of Eve. :D
And there were like TWO 'power failures' while we were playing. Two leh! One was the lights and fans plus airconditioner, then the next was the plugs. Irritating. It was stupid la, the whole thing. It was meant for us to not be able to practice today. Turns out the CD was actually with Selina. And she's gone off for some German class. That's why we didn't get to pratice for the whole time.:D
But we had fun! Before all that electricity thing came along, we were playing around with the songs. Alysia and Isabella make a GOOD dancing couple. Although the steps were a bit out of... steps?:D
Ooh. After all that, we decided to end practice and then go home.
Me & Gloria again! Of course. :D We crossed the bridge with Alysia. Then we talked, talking about Gloria's P-M-S! haha. It means... okay never mind. It's something which no one wants to talk about. But Gloria does it! Eew. haha. We were teasing her about the badminton incident then. haha. :D
I hate 174 buses. They jerk and make me feel nauseous. It's very irritating.
Then we went to Macdonalds again! For our Mcflurry! haha. We seem to go to Macdonalds alot! I can't wait for Sunday & Monday. So much fun! And we have like, SO MANY Mondays off. I'm SO happy. Why must House of Wax be NC-16? I don't think i look mature enough, so i can forget about acting adult. :D
Today's SO much fun! haha. I love today. After school only. :D
Gotta go, so toodle-dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :P

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A dancing bear named Chuck...
Especially to my mum. :D
Okay, i watched a replay of Hot chicks. It was STILL so funny and disgusting. Eew. But i sort of rewind, play, rewind, play. Just to get that game's lyrics! haha. And i got everything! :D
Today! Went to SJC! haha! It was raining like snowing, according to Gloria, and i don't think she knew who invented things known as umbrellas. :D
Anyway, her father fetched us to SJC. Her siblings are SO fun! Actually, it's her FAMILY who's fun!
They were SO much fun! And her little brother is SO cute! haha. :D
And then once we reached, we met Yahui! She brought us to the canteen, where we were introduced to MANY MANY MANY people! And Deqi was there too! She was SUPER friendly. :D And then there were SO many people eating in the canteen! So we like, chatted with Deqi and Qiu Yue or something, can't remember her name. There were SO many people's names! And i couldn't take it in all at once, so. :D
Ooh. And Deqi calls Gloria SHINY SHINY. haha. Long story. :D Shiny shiny! Gloria, SHINE! :D
We went down to the SPACE afterwards! You know, the basement at the downstairs of SMSS. haha.:D Then a Sec 1 girl, Amelia(MY MUM'S NAME!!), took some chairs for us. And then the rest came, and this SUPER drama boy, Sam, came in, then we sat in a circle. So we started introducing ourselves la. And me and Gloria felt SO SO SO welcomed! They treated us so well. :D And hence we had so much fun. And there was this guy who's name is Zhongren, i couldn't help NOT giggling then. His name is like so called MIDDLE PERSON. haha. :D Deqi told us that.
Ooh, yeah. And Deqi was the kind hearted one who introduced us to everybody in the youth group.:D Then we had a game after introduction of selves. It was about this two pieces of strings la, then blah blah blah. They ALL wanted to frame each other, and their target was MOSTLY on Sam, because he was the most talkative and all. haha. :D
After games, we had a teaching. I REALLY don't know who the speaker was. REALLY don't know. I'm too tall so i can't get anything transported to my brain in time. :P haha!
After youth, we went for lunch! And the door's REALLY difficult to open. Only people with strength can open. Of course, i'm NOT one of them. :P
So we went to the Queenstown food centre for lunch. We had two tables, one ALL boys, one ALL girls PLUS one boy, the middle person.:D uh-h. I ate CHICKEN RICE! With Gloria!
I LOVE FREEDOM!! haha. oops. After lunch, Carine, Gloria, Qiu Yue and me were discussing about what, slimming pills(!) and how they were NOT true. haha.
After all the talking and lunch, the rest went back. So me and Gloria followed Sam and Qiu Yue back to school, direction, and then they left us quite VERY soon. Like half way. So me and Gloria walked to MACDONALDS! I'm Lovin' it!
AND GUESS WHO WE MET? JOANNE!! She was in the car! Ohmygosh. And then we walked for like one more metre, THEN WE SAW JERLYNN'S CAR COMING ALONG!! Ohmygosh. And their cars were both gold in color! What a coincidence. :D
ahh... I'm SO going to church again next week. Wait, not just next week, EVERY WEEK! Plus the morning one. :D
Oh yeah, and ignore the post at the bottom. I didn't do it properly.
Gotta go now!
Toodle-dooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D

Friday, May 06, 2005

If you call yourself a friend, i call you a fiend...
Ooh! I missed the feeling of blogging. I haven't blogged for like, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And then today! :D
I can't remember what happened during Tuesday. :D
PE! First two period.:D The people who didn't make it for a pass for the 2.4km run, ran that day. And then those who wanted to retake also went. I was a PACER! I paced Michelle. I was SUPER disappointed. And that dampened my spirit for like, until recess? haha. :D And then i gave up halfway, then someone took over.
Then, SPEECH & DRAMA! It's damn irritating la. Ms Potato wants us to clear our face from hair. Like does she wants us to pluck our eyebrows out? Wait, she said she wanted to see our eyebrows. :D And then we did a poem. That was nice. And we had so much fun discussing about how to read the poem with feelings and facial expression, all that stuff la. :D And our group received the most comments. We were all standing properly. But we read too soft, couldn't keep up with each other and shit, and then when they mentioned hair, i knew who they were referring on most. 1st - ME. 2nd - Abidin. Of course. Stupid people.
PSE? I don't remember AT ALL what we did. Ooh. Then Literature. I don't remember.
AFTER SCHOOL! We all went to Krystle's house for her birthday lunch! Ooh. We were like a gang. And i guess the birthday's girl the big leader.:D uh-h.
The journey to Krystle's house was interesting. We talked alot. But i don't remember what we talked about. :P Let's see who went... Alysia, Elaine, Leanne, Fiona, Ulindra, Joey, Aalya, Wanda, Lucia, Divya and ME! We went to Krystle's house. I had a very GOOD first impression on Krystle's house! Her house is SO modern! Just like her CCA. haha.:D She had this net slung across the living room hanging from the lights side by side. There were heart-shaped balloons in the net. It was SO cool. And her bathroom had this SUPER long mirror.If i stood sideways, it wouldn't be enough for me though. :P Her mother cooks DELICIOUS pizzas! But she added green pepper into it, so i took it out. And her plates were so colorful! Everybody took a different plate. And then we gathered round the coffee table and discussed about what we should talk about. And then we drank lemon water. A little sour, though.:D But it was nice.
After we ate, her mum(SUPER COOL), shifted the coffee table for us to play a game. It sounded a little childish at first, practically because i didn't know what we were going to play! Then we sat in a BIG circle, and we played! She passed this box to us, then we passed it around. There were many boxes in that big box. And then so on and so forth... :D Aalya was unlucky. She got the pack of sanitary pads. :P
Fiona formed a BIG colorful pyramid out of the boxes. It was SO nice. :D And then we lazed around, then they sat around with the cushions, listening to all the music. Then Krystle started ripping off her presents, and Suzanna gave her TWO CDs! One was the Kelly Clarkson one, then the other Gwen Stefani's. We listened to both. But the rest STRONGLY disagreed to Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl. They will start whining and protest for Kelly Clarkson's album. :D haha.
I was Master for a day. And then i argued abit with my tai-tai. It was SO fun. :D And then her mum brought out the cake. Her mum bought this cake, and then she designed it with STUFF. And there was one candle. :D We sang Happy Birthday to her, she made a wish, blew the candle, cut the cake. It was VERY nice.:D Yum.
And then slowly, one by one left. There was only like, 6 of us left. Me, Alysia, Joey, Ulindra, Wanda and Fiona. They were talking about movies. And i asked them if they wanted to watch HOT chicks. I think they mistook it for white chicks, and then they agreed. But we watched anyway! And the show was VERY VERY VERY disgusting. :D There were gays and lesbians in the movie. Eew. uh-h. We had a very fun time laughing, watching the show! A time to remember.:D
Then we left her house, thanking her mum so many times. She gave us each a balloon with stuff inside. When we went downstairs, Wanda requested for her balloon to be burst. So Ulindra, the BRAVE one, used her nametag's needle and poked Wanda's balloon. We asked her to burst ours too. And after she burst Alysia's balloon, Joey pointed to a pillar and told me that there was a DEAD BIRD THERE! It was SO shocking. Then we all ran to one side and screamed. haha.:D So fun! We all seemed to have connections with birds.

And it's totally FINE to have connections with birds!


Fly awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Monday, May 02, 2005

This is `LOVE...
I had SO much fun today! I LOVE today! :D I could go on like this for a hundred or so times and i wouldn't feel tired! :D
First thing in the morning. Went to the CC. I'm VERY punctual! I was the first to arrive at the CC! The rest were late.:D And i am punctual! haha. And then i met Cheryl first, then came Gloria, then Isabella with her brother, Issac, then came Camilla(!) then finally Elaine with her brother, dunno what name. :D
I played alittle with Gloria first, then Isabella and Issac came! Her bro is DAMN pro leh! I was VERY entertained when Gloria and brother played against each other! They two were MARVELOUS! MARVELOUS! Simply MARVELOUS! And their standards were EQUAL! It was SO cool. And then me and Isabella were debating over which movie to watch. Coach Carter or Infection. And then we played a match to see if whoever wins, the other will have to follow. Isabella representing Coach Carter, me Infection. DAMN YOU, GLORIA TAN! She distracted me okay, so i missed then she won. Then we had another match to confirm, AND SHE WON AGAIN LA. So they said Coach Carter was 110% already! Rubbish. Okay, so whatever. We debated ALOT over which movie to watch! Then while we were playing half way, Elaine starting playing the piano. She's super good at it leh! I couldn't play badminton properly for like 15 minutes, because i was captivated. :D Exaggerating.
After Badminton! We took our badminton bags(WE LOOKED LIKE PROS! WE ALL HAD A BAG EACH EXCEPT FOR ISABELLA. WE LOOKED SO SERIOUS.) and went to Macdonalds. I ate the fish burger meal, Gloria just drank a cup of MILO. Isabella and brother, same as me.:D
Then we took the MRT to Plaza Sungapura, then took another train to Somerset. I was the leader for the day! The rest had to follow me because of my GOOD sense of directions.:D
Then we reached Orchard Cineplex. So we went to get the tickets. Coach Carter. (I tell you, i DID NOT regret AT ALL watching that show. And Isabella and Gloria were jeering at me after the movie. Whatever.) After getting the tickets, we went down to the second level. I totally hate the way they place their escalators. We have to walk one big round to the other side to get down. Stupid. Then SURPRISE! I met JOANNE! And DIVYA(TAI-TAI), FIONA, ULINDRA and JOEY! Ooh. uh-h. I was SO shocked when i saw them. My reaction was like, OHMYGOSH. Who the hell are they? They looked so familiar.. THEN MY BRAIN SNAPPED. And my rich tai-tai was as usual, shoo-ing me away from my 'mummy'. :P haha. And the others played a fast, good trick on me. They went away when they saw me chatting with the 1E5 girls. They ran to world of sports, and then good thing i told them where we'll go next, so i went there to look for them, AND THEY WERE HIDING BEHIND THE PILLAR! ahhhh.... uh-h. :D
Then we went around. AND THEN THE SECOND TRICK CAME! I spotted Joanne and gang again at the ticket booth. And very stupidly, they went off again. Into hiding. Like criminals. :P
So i chatted with 'mummy'! And when i turned my head around, no one could be found. And they were hiding in the arcade! Stupid. Two DUMB jokes in a day. I was fooled. That makes me a fool. haha:D
And Gloria was SHRIEKING in the cinema! During the part when they had their first match after SUPER SUPER SUPER tough training, we were grabbing each other's sleeves! And we were shrieking! And when they scored a ball, we shouted YAY! haha. It was SO cool. :D And the damn americans/whatever race stuck their stinky legs on Isabella's and brother's chair. They had to lean forward. Bloody tourists. :D
I LOVE WORM! He's SO cute! Isabella and i LOVE Worm! He's SO cute! I love bald haired, black men! Kidding. Only this guy! He's SO cute! And he looks EVEN cuter when he plays basketball! :D
I love the part after the movie, when we were all starving for the TOILET! I was really urgent! I squeezed my legs together! Then we went floor to floor to search for a toilet. We RAN! RAN! RAN! It was SO exciting. And there were SO many people in every level's toilet! And then we went to the fourth floor's one. NO PEOPLE! :D Heaven!
And then we said our BYE BYEs to Isabella and brother. They went to the MRT, we went to heeren. We went to HMV! AND SHALL WE DANCE CAME OUT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEKKKKK!
My mother's SO gonna buy the DVD! She loves the dancing parts. :D
And Gloria was my personal maid for like, 30 minutes. :D She makes a good maid!:P haha.
And then she treated me to ICE CREAM AND CHURROS! She hates churros. She thinks they're made of rubber. haha.:D THANK YOU GLORIA TAN LIJIA! haha.:D
And then we took bus 65 home. And again, we had SO much fun in the bus! As long as Gloria's in the same bus as me, i won't be able to stop laughing. :D She's SO much fun! She's the number one BEST person to watch a movie with! My number one.:D
I'm gonna go get my SIM to give birth to her baby now. (The Sims 2!)
Toodle-dooooooooo! :D
Five/Five rating for the day! HAHA. :D