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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I miss friends, you too...
Greetings, fellow ones! Whew. 5 days spent in Japan!:D I love love Japan! I visited Disneyland! Plus Mt Fuji! They call Mt Fuji Fujisan! Oh yes yes. They have super weird language speaking. Especially English. i can only remember two that the tour guide's told us.
Fax = Fuckasa
Ready = Lady
I love the fax one! haha. I miss Japan so so much! I so want to go again! Ooh.
I have NO time to elaborate on the Japan trip, so umm..
Okay! Today!
Nothing much. It's all the same everyday! I'm so bored. If only there was something worth to be happy about everyday. It's sickening, you know, to have the same things happening time and time again.
But i had so much fun during recess and DnT today! haha. Jasmine! Carissa Abidin! Belinda! They're all so funny! Belinda laughs with her legs wobbling. So cute! haha. :P
Ah yes. In case i forget, i'm gonna put up pictures! But not here. Like shutterfly or imagestation and all that la! So you all go see it! Okay!
You can tell that i'm so happy today! Because i'm using so many exclaimation marks! Yes!
Signing off.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I fly up high onto the sky, where i won't see Miss Wang...
Hello, fellow dudettes! I'm currently in the airport! Believe it or not.
My flight to Japan is in thirty minutes time! I'm so excited!
See you guys on Monday! Toodles!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Do you know the meaning of stupidity? ...
My nightmare has arrived! The day of changing seats of everyone (except for some :D) in class has arrived! Let's hear it from the darn arse teacher!
If only ALL the teachers could change, ESPECIALLLY Miss Wang. WHY? WHY? Why is it that we have her as a form teacher? I hate the first day of every term, always. Sigh.
Miss Wang is indeed intelligent (yucks) to change the seats of Carissa Chin and Arlene. I pity Carissa Chin. Sigh. She sits ALL alone. She sits with someone who eats glass. Pathetic. :D
There isn't anymore self study periods. Boo. Boo Miss Wang. Two thumbs up for MWANG.
We should actually THANK Miss Wang, you know. She put the MWANG team together! She's such a 'JOLLY' helper. Now i have CARISSA ABIDIN & KRYSTLE sitting in front of ME! whoopee.
WE 'LOVE' MISS WANG!! Never will we. :P
If only Alysia was here with us! I miss her so much! I'm so uncomfortable with Carissa Abidin and Krystle sitting in front of me. I keep thinking that Alysia is still sitting in front of Michelle, but no more. If only we could all sit together! :(
My 'mummy' is NOT sastified with her sitting arrangement! Miss Wang's always picking on my 'mummy'. It's not fair! And i'm SO SO GLAD, that Carissa Abidin is sitting in front of me instead of umm... this person, name ------.
Try to guess who!
Miss Wang is either a not very good english teacher, or she doesn't know some words. She says that Corny is a VERY nice word. Which isn't, of course. And she told Krystle to use the work Kinky! Goodness. Do you know what that word means? Alright, i'll sacrifice my blog for this! Ready? It means sexually perverted! I think Miss Wang definitely don't know what that means. She definitely doesn't! Aww.. I hate my teachers! I hate my literature teacher too! What Miss Yeo. Damn. I wanna change class, i wanna change teachers! Why can't i? If only we were bold enough to protest against Miss Wang. Double Sigh.
Me and Isabella make the perfect team! yesyes. Indeed we do! I love playing doubles!
What a COOL day it is today! So interesting! AND I LOVE READING, AGAIN!
Gotta do my WORKLOG now! So toodledooo!

Friday, March 18, 2005

ALWAYS! Always means forever...
I went to the PLANETSHAKERS concert! Ooh boy, it rocked.
Let's talk about yesterday first. I met CHARIS! ooh. She didn't change! Except for the fact that she GREW by 4 cm. No big deal. And she was super happy about it. Same size, she doesn't look like she's grown to me. Still shorter. :P haha.
We watched Son Of The Mask! Soo funny! Charis laughed at anything she saw. I love love watching movies with her! I can hear her laughter four stories away.
We spent one wasteful hour, in Times, reading comics and books on jokes. She was laughing to herself there.
Today! Planetshakers concert! I want to go again tomorrow. No. Tickets sold out. They released 200 more! But i guess they're all sold out too. I met Selina and Kayla! Selina after the concert, at where they sold planetshakers' CDs! They are not released out yet, but they sold a few there! And WE are one of the luckiest to get one! And i got their autographs! Their songs are SO great. I almost cried. I admit, there were tears.
So many people there! It was super packed. And everybody was jumping when the songs were played! SO COOL!
Then we went home. That was when i met Kayla! On the bus! Then when i took the MRT, i sat with her! I met her on the MRT too! With her church friends, and i shook hands, with them. So courteous, me. She met my brother! My cousin, and Mother! We were discussing on the topic of....
Never mind. This you don't need to know.
I met the same people whom i sat with on the bus! The GUYS, you call them that. But of course, i don't know them.
I regret not going for the conference! Kayla said it was fun. There were three workshops to choose from! Ooh.
The end of today.
I'm gonna go play Badminton with my mother tomorrow morning! First time. She's decided to start exercising to keep fit! So we're playing every Saturday!
Boy, i can't wait for next Wednesday. I'm gonna start a countdown!
Let's see...
4 days. Soon. Till then, bye!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Friendship can be restored again, but a broken heart can never be mended...
Ooh. I haven't been blogging for a while now. I'm lazy. :D
Went to Michelle's house for discussion of IH project. Her house is DAMN big. Well, there's a lot of space. I had to walk a LONG lane down to her house. And i was SO afraid to cross the overhead bridge. I'm afraid of heights, you see. But i sit rollercoasters!
Anyway, yes. Michelle's told me that her house was just inches away from a old man wearing boxers and a singlet standing behind a Mercedes. Isn't that GREAT? So it was definitely easy to spot. I couldn't find her house though. I'm half-blind, remeber? haha.
So she boo-ed me from behind. And then we went into her house. Ooh. I love going into two stories houses. Then i met Robyn! Then we had lunch after a while. KFC! Although i'm alittle sick of it, well, i couldn't be picky. Me, Michelle and Robyn were super scared to go into the room. A squashed up lizard was at the edge of her door! Probably squashed when someone's slamming the door. Poor lizard. Then her maid took a hell long of a time to clear up. Maids nowsaday, tsktsktsk. No comments.
Her brother's such a gentleman! He poured us drinks, and served us food! If only my brother could learn. So BRUDDER, you gotta learn it from him! I pity myself sometimes. Sigh.
Robyn was kinda frustrated when me and Michelle were using the computer, like on MSN. She felt so bored! Poor girl. We were super selfish, ain't we? haha. But we stopped ALMOST immediately! Robyn is suitable to be an actress, in the role of a... what do people who have ultra long hair then she swings her hair to the front is? I would prefer not to say that. Case closed.
Then till around 5.30pm, we left! In as me and Robyn left.
Michelle sort of 'walked' me a bit till the junction,which has NO traffic lights. Is that considered as a junction, if without traffic lights?
So i took bus 197, alighted at the Plaza Something(I don't remember the name), then ran after a bus 67. I RAN okay. And good thing two men were boarding the bus, so i had a chance!
Then after dinner, my mum took me out. For awhile. We went for a haircut! Both of us! I miss my hair. Weird.
We have the same hairstyle! Only my mum's longer a bit.
I'm so excited to meet Charis tomorrow! I wonder how she looks like now.
I gotta go! So, signing off.

Friday, March 11, 2005

You break my heart, i'll break you legs. Kidding...
YAY! SMSS rock netball! We won! Victory is ours. :D
No lessons today! We went for the Singapore trail! Change and continuity. I went for the Malay trail. The girls who went to the kampong one damn lucky leh! They get to go to Pulau Ubin. No fair. They get to ride on a BOAT!! Not fair! I wanna ride on a boat too! haha.
This is the first time i went to a museum! The ACM. Asian Civilisation Museum. Ooh. I have learnt about SO many things today. Things which i haven't heard of. I LOVE history! I'm so fascinated by the Malay culture, their religion, how they dance. I could become a Malay! No way.
I love Mrs Sim. Her explanations were SO clear, i could understand them. And today was the first time i've ever visited a mosque. It was empty then. The royal people, known as Sultans of the past, are buried in that mosque. Although the mosque wasn't so big, but it was still... a mosque?
Then Mrs Sim told us about the story of the past when this Crawford guy came to Singapore to do business. Whatever.
Malays have such a wonderful and mysterious culture. It is really quite difficult to understand at times. Then we went to Little India to watch a short performance performed by two men, very skillful in dancing. They showed us how they used their dagger. Ooh. That scared the bejabbers out of me. haha.
Then we went back to school, had Science Fair. One busy day, oh yeah. There were only three people in my team! No fair, again. Jasmine, Leanne and ME! I love to work with both of them. Full of patience, just like me. :P haha.
Jasmine, you are bubble woman! haha. She was able to make out such a biggy bubble! And i guess we got pretty high for that section. And our EGG didn't break! Thanks to us genius. We have GOOD brains. haha.
I love science fair too! And Jasmine offered us Nutella sandwiches! Ooh. I love Nutella. Don't you? I wanna work with them again. It was a real working experience.
Ahh... Science interests me a little now. A LITTLE.
I gotta scram.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Miss Wang rocks our bloody socks, MWANG...
I don't get why everybody hates Miss Wang so much. She was looking pale today. Everybody seems to be happy. Somehow.
I haven't blogged for SO many days, and i miss blogging. So many things happened during the past few days. Especially Saturday. Cookie Baking day! MWANG team in action. We spent an hour talking about Miss Wang rolling down the road of Orchard Road with super glue all over her body to clean and about some other things. Ooh, i love Miss Wang. She makes us feel so happy, because we NEVER run out of things to say about her. So if you people wanna petition, i might think twice. Kidding. I never like Miss Wang. :P Poor Miss Wang.
YOU ALL GOTTA BUY OUR COOKIEES! If you count yourself a friend, then you SHALL buy our cookiees! Shaped like fingers(eew), some of them. I love cookiees so much!
We made about $12 on cookiee sale already! It's just the first day, and we sold so many packets of cookiees already! Of course, I WRAPPED THEM. haha. And they said it was nicely wrapped okay! With the help of Carissa's mum. haha. But i did most of them too! Very high-class. Very different from other classes. With ribbons tied around okay! haha.
Speech and Drama today was a tragic for my 'mummy'. Somehow, she doesn't get along well with the teachers, well, except for some. Other than that, no. Especially Miss Wang. She's always picking on my 'mummy'. Two thumbs down for Miss Wang. Boo.
Badminton! We learned new tactics! COOL new tactics! And i won't go into much detail on Badminton.