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Monday, January 31, 2005

Badminton again, one good sport! Yeah, it definitely is.
Had PE and badminton today. Gosh. It's so tiring. Monday is now nicknamed, the
'Absolute tiring day'! haha. It should be named as 'Poo Poo' day too. I'm dead beat. Boo.
PE was okay-y today. Ran with five people passing the baton. Wow. We jogged for, don't know how many rounds. Some of the runners got to skip it. Hmph. Not fair. So the 6 of us jogged down, in perfect pace. Almost wonderful! haha. I love running, and badminton. Ooh. I hope i get to run for Cooke. Sigh. When Mdm Roseenah wasn't noticing us, we begin to walk slowly. Haha. Lazy us. :P Then when we were nearer to her, we jogged immediately. Bad bad.
For the rest of lessons, nothing much happened.
Then Badminton!!
Today's training's so so tiring! So dupa tiring! Not so, but it still is!
We had to run like, alot? And i got dizzy spells after running a few times. Oooh. Damn. I can't write now. Gootta end here. What a bad time, when i'm talking about Badminton still! Oof.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I love snow! Ooh.
Went to FGA for church service today. Couldn't find Isabella! She was late enough for 30 mins! Gosh. Definitely not a person who cares about punctuality! Haha. No offence Issie! Met her parents and her brother. Her mum's so warm and friendly! I love meeting people like her! And her dad's kinda big! Hah. So after the church service, we went around talking to some people whom i don't know AT ALL. And made friends with some! Hah. After bidding goodbye to my aunt, i left for Plaza Singupura to meet my mum. I felt bored. I got a doughnut on the way! :P I love doughnuts! Especially those with chocolate ricing on. Yumyum!
I love what i wore today xD!
Then i met my mum after waiting for what seemed like a dynasty! haha. That was a joke. Your'e supposed to laugh.
I bought an OP skirt! It's kinda short, but it doesn't matter! Yes it does! Whatever.
We proceeded to the MRT! haha. (It's not funny, you're not to laugh.)
We went to SNOW CITY!!! EEEK! It's the second time i'm playing with snow, but i'm still so excited! It's cold. Quite cold.
So anyway, we arrived there a 'lil too early. And had to wait for around a half hour. Bleh. That's long. I satisfied my tummy with instant noodles, which cost very expensive. So people who plan to go there, NEVER buy their food! Haha. Then we get to go in! Haha. And my mum and i went to get our boots and jackets. Phew, was it cold! Gosh. So cold. But it's nothing compared to when we got in! The real place! The boots sizes were okayy, and the jackets were fine too! So we got into this room, and this lady came to brief us. Blah blah blah.
WE WENT IN!!! It was freezingg coldd duddees. OOH. And if i'm not mistaken, this group of boys kept staring at little ME. -ah hum- My mum and i grabbed a tube each and charged for the steps up! We were one of the first! Yeah! Mum rules!
So the first time we were supposed to slide down, i was feeling VERY nervous. The slope down was about i THINK three storeys high?! I think only. Correct me if i'm wrong. :P
I held hands with my mum when we slid down. OOH. It was simply fabulous!!
But what i hate is about my bum. It hurts like siao now. Whole body all red like a beetroot.
So actually we were supposed to hold hands with the people beside you, but, WHO CARES?!
We went for many times, then paused for awhile. To have a snowball fight! haha. I'm, of course, the losing one, as i don't have much snow on my side to scoop and throw. Hmphs. So my mum won. Not fair!! Then we left with utter disappointment. I wanna stay longer! But it was so supa cold! Ooh.
I haveta scram!
Jurassic Park's later! I will never miss it for the world! Go on, dinosaurs! And snow!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Chocolate chip cookiees gotta have some! Baking in the oven, yumyumyum!
My love for Chocolate chip cookiees is growing stronger and stronger each day. I'm addicted! Not to drugs, but to cookiees! I hate butter ones. haha.
Prayer meeting this morning. The girls were as funny as usual. Haha, i'm so fond of CF now!
Lessons were as usual, not boring and not entertaining, but i like Science lessons now!
Only if we go to the Lab. Other than that, no. Oops.
Gosh! There's only one period of Maths today. Not very in-ter-es-ting. But we didn't do much during Maths today either. Sigh. Why can't teachers be more creative, to try to convert lessons to playtime? Like maybe make the lesson less boring. Haha.
Michelle's so sexy in class today! You shoulda see the way she sat during class time. Haha. With her leg one up another down. Ooh. Haha.
I hate going home alone. It's always this way. Sigh. I want some one to accompany me!! Eek!
yay! Now that Ulindra wants to buy a box of cookiee, and my 'mum' another, i've finished all the cookiees! An accomplishment made!
I'm gonna stop blogging now! Tata!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Chocolate chip cookieees! Ooh. How i just simply love them! Haha.
Lessons today were as usual. Except for chinese. :P Chinese was totally not boring today. We went to the theatrette to watch a 'movie'. It's more of a short-clip, as the teacher sort of fast-forward it. It's about the butterfly lovers. I wonder if anybody knows what that mean. Ha.
It's Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai. Should be like that larh. And oh great. Balvinder's gonna lend me the CD! She's so amazing! She has almost all the CDs which i have lots of interest in! Like this one. Haha.
And as usual, Miss Lim's lesson still so funny, AND interesting. Yawn. How many times must i mention that, i wonder.
I'd love to skip all subjects and talk about CF more! So Eve attended the meeting today! With Belinda. Yay! More people joining CF. So CF's gonna be one big happy family! So now that makes three people with the exact same CCAs as me! We baked cookieees during CF today!! Gosh. It's so fun! Wait, i didn't exactly bake, i just did the wrapping of the boxes with Isabella, Eve, Elaine and Alysia. We're all in one team. We made about, i think 6? Other teams made so many more! MANY more!
So, Eve was right. You go outside to smell some stale air, then when you go backk into the room, the smell of the cookiees will melt your heart RIGHT away. Aww.. I'm so gonna buy them. You all wanna buy tell me kayys? I got only four, and i'm buying two, so i've two left. The cost's $8 per box. Support me, if you're my friend. And the other CF girls too! You gotta help with the fund raising! And Yahui's always so funny. She makes my stomach roll. She makes this joke which concerns something about 'pulling your leg'. Ahaha. She's soo funny, and soo hip. Haha. I guess we all feel real comfortable around her.
Oops. Look at the time.
The Bachelor's starting a few mins. Goota scoot.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Not blogging for a few days has caused me to lose my brain and mind about what i should blog about. Hah!
Lessons are getting to be so boring. I love self study period. When practically no one ever self study AT ALL. And everybody is worrying about the class deco and stuff like that. Oof. It's very hard to concentrate because it's just so distracting! Ooh. A class like 1E5, no one will ever feel lonely. My topics on Maths again!! Cause maths' just so funny. And interesting. Like i don't know how many times i've written that!
Thank you to Ulindra! For that book! it's a little hard to understand, but i'll get the hang of it very soon! I'm trying very hard to learn how to do html. It looks easy, but it definitely isn't. I wonder how those people do it.
Joanne! My 'MUMMY'! haha. Joanne, you're soo adorable! And perhaps sweet too! Hah. Mummy indeed. I gotta stop calling you that. And stop calling me your daughter! Haha.
Mr Foo's lesson today. Aww.. Funny is the most suitable word for him! Haha. Who wants fortune cookies? When no fortune cookies are offered, no one would be willing to raise their hands! haha. And they get a sweet pinkish pen in replacement of fortune cookies! I want fortune cookies too! Too bad i didn't get to taste it. Joanne says that it's buttery. Did you? Hah!
Took some peek- tures with Dorcas and Steffie! With the class, just like a class photo! Only the photographer isn't some high-class one!
Went back home with Gloria, Cassandra, Patricia and Jaya. Gosh! They're definitely one biggy funny group! Haha. Gloria, Miss Professor in action! You're high-class dudette! Hee. You didn't want to sit, when there's one. Haha. And then they started discussing about what was in their cupboards. I said mine was full of clothes, and Gloria says," Cockroach?" You must have a little ear-ry problem!
And almost everybody laughed. It's so cool to go home with them! Bus-sies 186, 153, 66, 67! Links us together!
And oh yeah! Carissa Abidin is so funny man! She shouts across the classroom and ask me if whether i take chili, i say yes. She throws me this packet of chili sauce from Macdonalds, and tells me that it has expired. What kinda joke is that supposed to be?! This happened yesterday, anyway.
CF tomorrow! Can't wait. With four periods of Maths. It should be fun, shouldn't it?
I wanna run for my house on the sports meet. Cooke. Why can't i get into Gage Brown? This is so not fair!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Badminton training for today was as usual. Not so tiring though, for today.
Did the usual warm-ups. There are more girls today. So. Better la! The more the merrier! haha.
For every English lesson, we never really learn anything BUT how to do administrative work. Lol! Rarely. Sometimes, it's just worksheets almost all about nouns. Wait. I think it's all. Hah!
I want more homework!! They give almost so little these days. Maybe it'll increase over the months. I hope so. But not to much also larh!
The sec 2's are really pros at badminton. So pro. hahh.
There's nothing funny to blog about, so i'm ending.
Right now.
Byebye! :P

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I forgot to mention something.
I watched the movie 'Shall we Dance'!! Omgosh. Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere are so matching! I can't remember what the name of Richard Gere's wife in the show is. Hmm...
I want to learn dancing!! Ballroom dancing, too be exact.
Cha cha, tango and the quick step! They were so graceful when they danced. Gosh! I'd really love to go try it out! Their costumes are so pretty! And they look so good on JL. Wow.
You have to watch the movie! It's a must see!

Guitar lesson today! hah. Mr Patrick is so damn funny. Sometimes.
I can't remember what his joke was, but it suree was funny!
Woke up late today, like 12.15pm? Haha. Lazy me. I woke up at 8, then slept again.
I want Monday to arrive! I want badminton! Argh. The wanting of badminton is so strong. I think about it day and night. Crazy me. I have nothing much to blog about today. It's actually all the same. I enjoy going around to other people's blog, reading it. Reading about people's life. Some are so tragic. I guess i'll finish blogging here.
(P.S: You're such a copycat! Stop it. I hope you know who you are.)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Blogging time! I love Thursdays best now, not Mondays. Thurdays have more maths periods, and there's christian fellowship too! yay. Now there's exactly TWO people who are in the same cca as me. Badminton and CF! ROCKS MAN! Mondays, i think so, but got only two maths period that's why.
MATHS RULE! We played a game during maths lesson. It's sort of like the game tic-tac-toe.
The not- so-cool type. Hah. We lost. But we answered the questions correctly. So we lost with confidence.
The funniest part of the day:
(Maths lesson)
me: Miss lim, may i go to the toilet?
ML: Is it urgent?
me: YES!
ML: Well, really urgent?
me: YES!
ML: Really really urgent?
me: YES!!!
ML: What if i don't allow?
me: I'll get kidney failure?
(People beside me laughing)
ML: Wow. Then i guess i'd better let you go right?
me: -Nods head-

Scene 2
(Back from the toilet)
me: Miss lim, i'm done.
ML: So no more kidney failure?
me: -laughs- I'm safe.
ML: So serious. Never go toilet once will end up having kidney failure.
(People who listened laughed)

Haha. It's no fun reading. You must SEE, then will you find it funny. Her expression was like as if i fainted or something when i said the kidney failure part.
Teachers can be so funny at times. Esp Miss Lim. I think she's the teacher who everybody fancies most. Haha.
I wonder if there's still space for christian fellowship. hmm...
We did praise & worship today! Sang songs, got into our groups to do stuff together. I'm in Radiance!! haha. We won a game and they gave us this special time of sweet. It's actually not special, just the wrapper. There are bible verses printed on it! haha. Yahui called it the 'holy sweet'. It's mint flavoured. Not yucky though. Sweet, a little minty. Just a little.
I changed my blog's layout yesterday. One of the best layouts ever made. The song's so nice. And it's not boring kaayyss people?? LOL.
I'm gonna quit blogging...
for now.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Changed my blog url. I didn't like the previous one THAT much anymore. I found out the life wasn't a tragedy after all, after entering sec 1. Haha. I hope everybody changes it. Else they might get to the wrong one.
School was as usual today. The HUB is OPEN!! Now all students can enter! yay! i didn't manage to get a look inside because of the big crowd. There were lots of students. oh wow.
I love History! Miss Ho's so darn funnny. She jokes so much. The facts about history are so interesting and amusing.
And, THANK YOU, ALYSIA!! For the Ferrero Rocher!! Is that how you spell it?? Anyway, thanks so much! I love chocalates! They can melt a girl's heart. Hah.
CF tomorrow!! I'm so looking forward to CF! I wonder if there will be games. I hope there are. Else it would be really boring without games. But learning more about God is more important than anything else.
Isabella is such like a SISTER to me! We have so much in common. Like same age(lol), same chinese class, same CCA somemore! See! Do wee sound like sisters?? hah. She's so lovable and fun to be with. One of the best friends ever!
Nothing else to write/type about.
So i guess i'll end here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Yesterday's training damn tough. Running the length of the court and heading back backwards gives me very painful muscle aches. Well, not very painful, but sure is suffering.
Did the names game today in class. Miss Wang like, don't care about what we do. Heck man. Then we read out all the names of the girls in our class. And it was super-y boring. Some of them speak like as if there's gold in their mouth. Cannot open speak louder. Lol.
Some people are so bossy. They not a monitress, but she acts like one. I really discriminate such people. They think they are something when they're so absolutely NOT. Poo them.
The girls in Class 1/5 are so friendly! And the prefects who guided us through the orientation like Dorcas and Steffie, well, they had the heart to write a little something for our class. Lovely.
It wasn't very touching. Steffie sounded sincere, but not Dorcas. Steffie typed out hers, while Dorcas' was just like, on a piece of full scap paper, not very neatly written. Hah. Not enough sincerity.
Miss Lim is the best teacher for my class! She is so understanding. But one thing i don't like about her is that that she shouldn't let us do whatever we want. She should probably ban us from doing some stuff, like maybe, ermm... I don't know. But in anyway, she is just understanding.
Gotta scoot now.
PCK's starting! oh gosh. I'm so damn late for it. Smack me.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

1st training of Badminton tomorrow.
Hmm... I'm fully prepared. Badminton racquets set.
Trainings gonna be tough and tiring. So, i must not give up no matter what.
i went to chinatown today! Boy, was it crowded with lots of people. There's this ice-cream man, who is so cool. He tricked me! When i was about to receive the ice- cream from him, he skillfully used his scoop and took it away! omg. This is the second time i encountered with this fella. From what i know, he is a turkish guy. And turkish guys are so macho! I wonder how they do it. It's so damn special lor.
CNY coming. So excited. Kiddys will be excited, but not adults. They give the money, we receive it. Haha. The joy of being a kid!
CCA rocks! The choices i made are so damn right. CF ROCKS! BADMINTON ROCKS HARDER!
I love doing sports, but have no time, and no one to do with.
School again tomorrow.
So sian. But i love badminton! So i'll probably love Mondays from now on.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Oh my Gosh.. School totally rocks Okayyy...
I made so many new friends in so little days.
I love school to the core man!! School so so totally rocks. Too bad, some of SMPS' girls didn't go to SMSS. Else they would be enjoying as much as we do! Haha. Poor Charis. Aww.. I miss her so much.
Just by sitting beside some one and talking to them for alittle while, then we can already be friends. It's that easy! ooh. Girls in SMSS are soo friendly. I am so freaking lucky to be able to be studying there!!
And the biggest news for the YEAR 2005.... For now...
I'M ACCEPTED INTO THE BADMINTON SCHOOL TEAM!!! WOOO.. Eve Hoon's inside too. Isabella also. Yay. Happiness!! Elaine, Gloria, and some others. Oh my goossshhh.. I'm so elated!
And i'm in christian fellowship too! CF ROCKS MAN!
My mom's forcing me to join Girls Brigade, which is, from what i heard, boring. Which i think i agree. Not really, but yeah, i think so. So STOP IT MUMMY!!!
But i love my mummy. I'm an angel!
It is my uncle's forty- fourth/fifth birthday today. And i almost forgot about it. So i, of course, didn't prepare a gift. I got my mother to get a big cake, then i'll pay her the money later! Ahh.. I'm indeed faithful! haha..
School's fine. And i know i'm a little lazy, for not updating my blog for such a long time.
And i've completed one of my wishlist from last year, which is to have more then twenty links! Yahoo!
But in any ways,
And will, forever!!! HAHA..

Monday, January 03, 2005

First day of school! I love going to school. Well, i guess only for this week, since the REAL school life hasn't arrived yet.
St Margs is damn big. Really big. It was a disaster on the way to school today. I missed the bus-stop i was supposed to drop at and went way ahead.
WAY WAY AHEAD. And damn it. Of course, this could only lead to reaching school late. And yes, of course, i DID arrive late. harhar.
Anyway, the prefect didn't book me larhsss. So i'm considered plain lucky on the first day. :P
OK. So i reached school late. I didn't know which class i was to be in, so, i was kinda confused when i first reached. Prefects guided me to the hall, so at least i wasn't lost.
Wow, got plenty of things to write here.
So, after devotions and welcome message and all that, we proceeded to our classrooms. So sad.
I'm in 1e5. Balvinder's in 1e1. Caroline also in 1e1. So sad. All the nice and funny people all go different classes from me. I want Caroline and Balvinder in my class! And some awful people away. Met my form teacher and my form tutor. They don't seem to be friendly people.
We played games. Mainly just games, not ice-breakers. But seriously, in SMSS, all they talk about is team spirit. Without team spirit, you'd have to transfer to another school.
Recess. Best time everyday. Met up with Balvinder, with Michelle. Bought my food, fish & chips, which aren't so tasty. Then we went up to the hall again. Played one last game, the we went for the school tour.
I wouldn't want to describe about the school tour. It's really difficult to. It's just going around the school, doing games while at it and all that la. But it's very interesting, and the game concerns the whole class. Well, almost.
Oh yea. I just found out where the e-orchestra room is. OMGawd. It's down under a sort of secure basement. And it's really dark at the stairs, so, unless the lights are switched on, else it would be really dark. And it's also kinda eerie.
After the tour, went back to class. Discussed about what to do for campfire night on Friday. Shit. I don't want it. It's kinda boring you know. And i hate performing. Especially in front of seas of audiences.
Well. :P
I hope everything goes well in school tomorrow.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

First day of the new year 2005.
School's starting on Monday, which is just a day away. Hmm... Orientation on the first few days, then serious business starts.
Won't be able to go on the computer for long once school starts, so, no blogging too. Oh well.
Secondary one...
How will secondary one life be? I know definitely different from primary school time, so. I guess i'll change my wish list now, else i wouldn't have time to in future. But i haven't made up my mind. So, changes might occur.
I can't wait till Monday, when i awake, and prepare for school. Wow.
I can't wait to see my friends.
So many can't wait. Haha.
Gonna prepare my wishlist now, so, toodles.