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Friday, October 29, 2004

WAHHH!! Everybody's still in school now, except for me, and some other peeps. Know why? Cause there's camp today! Even Balvinder gets to stay, and Michelle too. Not fair! Why ain't i stay?
Ah hah! I know why. I have an exam at 10 am tomorrow! Yes yes. How could i forget? But Rebecca and Jean has exam tomorrow too, but they get to stay!
i went for a 'one day' camp today. Let's start.........
The morning. Morning, well, for morning, i can't say much. There's nothing really much to say about the morning. Except for the games! The indoor games! I think it was Mr. Lim who organized the games. So, we played some scissors paper stone game named 'Tarzan and Jane' first. And we were lucky enough, to get a draw with our 'rivals'! We were against 6E+6D.
Then the next was an 'everybody togetherness' type of game. It's like something called, i forgot the name, but i knew there were supposed to have a squirrel and two trees, which are both represented by us students. Then if Mr. Lim shouts hunters! Then all the squirrels will start changing with other squirrels places. If he shouts fire! Then all the trees will change places with other trees. And if it's earthquake, then everybody changes place, like the squirrels change places with the trees and vice versa.
Next, another game. I think we played three games in total. It was about this three characters. And then stuff like that. I don't understand the characters, but i just know who beats who. I am gladly honoured to be my team's leader. So i gave the commands in which character to be. Like if i give number 1, then everybody's supposed to act strong and muscular. If it's two, then everybody will have to act like sweet and well-mannered ladies. Number 3's the lion. I think i mostly give out commands for number 3 to show. It is so damn cool!! All the games rock man! And i am a good leader, haha, just kidding, no! Of course i am good, at least that's what i think so.
Then after that we had recess and chapel, then we all went to little india. I tell you, that's like the hottest place in singapore. Hottest in as the weather, not like style or anything like that. Almost everybody liked the smell, but not the heat. I hated both.
Then we went to Sheng Siong to have our lunch. Like we were all starving from the start of the journey due to lack of water and all that walking and don't forget the heat. I had laksa. So did Balvinder. But Mickey didn't really want to eat. So she just drank orange juice+tau pork+ice cream. Me and Bala sisn't really know how to eat the tau pork, so we gave it all to mickey. Almost all. She ate it, and said that was the last of the tau pork in the whole world was she going to eat. HAHA!
Then the black clouds started to form, and then, it started to rain! That so spoiled our mood. So everybody was moaning. And grumbling. I guess i'll have to stop here for now. I'll continue the second part some other day.
See ya! :P

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Well well. Everytime blog must rack my brains so much. So, i will miss the excursion tomorrow. Well, no big deal. I guess i'll just wait for another time. While my friends are all enjoying, i will be alone at home, no, still got my bro at home. But i want to go to school! And i don't want to stay at home. But even if i go to school, i will be alone there. Everybody will be either at bukit timah hill or at sungei buloh. I hope at least one of them will have the heart to at least update me on their trip.
But i guess not. Since everybody's turning to be so cold, not because of the weather.
So, spent the day lazing around at home. I gotta prepare for my coming exam, so i must wish myself luck. Since everyone's so cold.
There's really nothing much to write about nowsaday, since the happy days in school are over.
O-V-E-R. Exams are over, and everybody's doing things on their own, since they need not depend on friends anymore. They go to school, and play all day long. Shouldn't the schools give us students holiday already? Since all we do in school is play and scream.
Life's turned 360 degrees. It ain't the same anymore.

Friday, October 22, 2004

So, my friends are in school now. But i am so not happily using the com. No one's online. Except for this guy who finish his o's. But still.
My friends don't miss me! I am so sad! I think they can't wait till i quit school. No. I am just kidding. But they really don't miss me, or care for little me. When i was in sick bed, only Balvinder called. This goes to show what friends are for. Stand by your side, watch you suffer in bed? Uh huh. That's what they are for.
so i am recovering rapidly. My platelets are increasing rapidly everyday. That lets me score one point in the recovering part. Like basketball.
So i have to go for my organ lesson still. Then tomorrow guitar. I missed guitar last week. Because admitted to the hospital and all. I want my guitar. I want my friends! I want school.
I am coming back only next Tuesday, but to see my friends glee in joy and discover them thinking: I thought she was in sick bed dying. Wa! Now alive kicking!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

So, I am back! Was admitted to the hospital. DON'T ever say that i am lucky to skip school's immunisation, because like, omg, i had more than two immun. I had to draw blood out and stuff like that. Painful like hell. The pain, the sorrow, the torture.
so i wonder how school is. Reading all the other friends's blog updated me on school. Like how Gladys was writing about Cherry crying even before she entered the room. Is it really so painful? You all talk about the injection, hand pain, but never talk about the size of the needle and all. Big? Tell me ah, in the tagboard. So, typing extreme slow.
Three cheers for my mum! She installed the Sims back on the computer, and for taking care of me in the hospital. So now start playing again. Provided my bro not at home. I don't have anything much to talk about, except stuff like in the hospital. So, if you wanna know, then scroll down. Not, then you are welcomed to leave.
Hokay, so now.
First day. My doctor told my mum that if i had a fever that day, i had to visit the hospital. And may probably have to be warded. So came out like that. Even Bangkok trip also have to postpone. Cannot go already. :( So sad. Disappointed. But not to worry, i will still be going. Only it will be at the end of this month. I will be celebrating my b'day there.
So anyway,
the food there was suitable for consumption. Not like those tv dramas always saying they suck or anything like that, no. It was nice, though all i really had there was congee and all that watery stuff. But still. Talk about skipping the immunisation in school. Still had so many jabs. Not exactly, but it was the drawing of my precious blood. Two at the clinic, another two in the hospital. Then everyday have that needle in my hand. Poking my veins. But lil me was brave. I managed to restrict myself from crying. I just kept telling myself that it will be over soon. So it wasn't painful.
Haiya.. I don't know what to write already. End here for now. Have to rest. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I am recovering from my stinking sickness. After all, i don't think it is dengue fever at all. So i am pretty sure i am fine, and i am going to go back to school tomorrow. I was supposed to stay at home for one more day, but i miss school, so i don't want to.
stayed home the whole day. Today was like yesterday, only my condition today is better. I have only sore throat. My degree's gone down to 36.8, so, i am fine for the fever part already. Just need a few more days for recovery, then i will be all set and ready for Saturday. I can't wait till Saturday, when i will be all happy in a foreign country. I love going for a holiday. It's always so exciting and fun.
So, going back to school tomorrow. Miss my friends, yada yada. So see you peeps in school tomorrow. Bye!:)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Sore. My throat is sore. Not my head. So that means i am not going to school tomorrow. But i am trying to go to school on Wednesday, though my MC states that the leave is till Wednesday. I miss school. I miss the laughter of Charis and friends, but not the beating of Charis.
went to see the doctor today. She shone the torchlight at my throat and when she saw it she was like, ai you!! She almost flung the torchlight onto her table. So red ar! What you do man? Nothing, of course! It's suspected dengue fever, but it's not. I've got all the symtoms except for the rashes part. So, kinda lucky. Else every night cannot sleep. Scratchy Scratchy. Then came home, ate my breakfast and then my medicine. Scare me. I see the antibiotics the package so big, then i open it up, found out that it was even smaller than my usual vitamins. Lol.
The taste of the coughing medicine sucked, but the rest was pretty good. Stupid. Of course! The rest are all in tablet form. So what can i taste?
Gonna have to stay home alone tomorrow. I miss school all of a sudden. Miss my friends too.
Boo hoo hoo.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Tissue paper in my left hand, typing using my right hand. Can't you all tell? Oh right. I AM SICK!! Bawww.... Mummy!! I have a fever, a cold, and i am coughing. I have a sore throat. But i am lucky to have a mummy, to take care of me. *ah choo* Tomorrow no need to go school, actually i planned to go out with Charis tomorrow to watch dodgeball, but looking at myself now, i think if i go out with her tomorrow, she may end up having to send me to the hospital.
haven't posted for the previous days. I went for a dinner on Friday. met many people there. All my relatives. They were all going," Wow! So long never meet then grow so big already! So tall!" and stuff like that. Met my cousin Geraleine there too. She change alot ever since last year.
Then today, don't need to go for tuition anymore. YAY! Can stay at home and sleep like a pig.
Can't think of what to write anymore. *cough* *cough*
That's all for now! *ah choo* :O

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Ah! This must be life! Just one more. One itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow, wait. No yellow. Itsy bitsy teeny weeny paper! Just one! Damn it. And that is Science. I will never get to live my life happily till that subject banishes from this world. Which will like, NEVER happen?
had my chinese paper today. It was easier than i had expected. So this goes to show that the prelims was harder than PSLE. Which is a surprise to me. Because i thought you know, it would be harder. Not only me, some of the others too. I slept a little just now, in the hall, again. I mean, it's not a surprise that i will NOT sleep, since like, i haven't been able to sleep well for the past few days. Due to the anxiousness for the next day's paper.
so then, just a day more to go. And i guess, everybody will start rejoicing. Thanks to the Lord, for staying by our side for the past 2 days and today.
Gonna get creamy ice cream later. [Come back on again tomorrow. XOXO :D]

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Ah! 1st day of PSLE! Had english paper 1 & 2 today. It was kinda difficult. Okay, not that difficult, but still. You gotta understand. So in the morn, went for the chapel thing. The whole row was filled with 6c's girls. I was sitting with Lisa and Gladys. Well, i realise now that they are actually quite nice 'sitting partners'. Then we all prayed, sang song. Well, Eve came. But she didn't sit with us. I can tell that many of da people sitting at my row was kinda disappointed. And everyone was llike signalling to her to ask her come sit with us. I was sitting quite far away, so i couldn't really hear what she was mumbling about. Heck care her.
I was all nervous as we reached outside of the hall. So we entered, and i did the test. I chose situational writing. It was far more understandable than the picture one. I love my story. But i wonder what the teachers think of it. My ending was like, it must be an angel sent to accompany me in darkness. I find it nice. Don't you? Then we had a break. Ate curry puff. Then played for awhile with the usual bunch of peeps that i played with in school. Went back for paper 2. After finishing the paper, i had like, 45 mins left. I kept checking, and checking. Check till so bored. Then i felt so sleepy. So i tried to sit upright, to prevent myself from falling asleep. But it was even worse. I felt even more sleepy. So i just slept. I opened my booklet b to a page and pretend to read it, but actually, i was dozing off. I went left, then right, then left, left, right, forward. I was then awakened. Gladys told me that she tried to wake me up by stomping hard on the floor. But to no avail. And Eve said that she was like, hoping that i wouldn't fall. I was kinda 'fraid that i will like, drop?
But i was alert enough, not. LOL. Then the day ended, and i walked down with Eve, Nat, Shereen. Then we met up with chirnchip and Gladys later on, with their company. We walked to 7- eleven. Glad bought cup noodles. Shereen went buy something too. So met Belinda at the bus-stop. Took service 147. I alighted, and this whole dreadful day in school ended. 1 paper down, 3 more to go.
Can't wait till Friday.

Monday, October 04, 2004

So, tomorrow PSLE already. After so many months of waiting, the time has arrived. Like, here comes the bride! It should be funny, because i wrote it there for you peepys to laugh. But now so late, i wonder who will read my blog. Some people will.
Shifted tables and chairs down to the hall again. But this time, i was plain lucky. I DIDN'T GET BRUISED!! Big deal? No. Then like, Mrs Chan was like all, teahing us about evacuating the hall/building if there's a bomb threat or something which really needs us to. But, i doubt so. Because we can't be so unlucky to have something like this this year, but the past few years don't have. Anyway, we lined up orderly and then moved out of the hall. We did this in less than 1 minute! Miracle! No. But like, my row and the one on my right, will die before we even get to escape the building. We are the last ones to get out. Like, 5 4 3 2 1, BOOM! Then i think everyone will survive except for the girls who sit at the first few rows. So, it's kind of unlucky.
So friends. Work hard! Add oil! Remember to check your work thoroughly! I tell you that, but i forget it myself everytime.
GO P6C!! :p

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Yay! No tuition for me today. But i stayed home to revise science, and i did my maths paper. I got 86/100 for it. It's always because of carelessness. Didn't post yesterday because i was busy. Had my guitar lesson. Coolly. Learnt C and ?? chord. Then went shopping with mom afterwards. Nothing much yesterday. So now let's talk bout today. Like, there's nothing to talk about because, well there was nothing to do. Me and my bro were like mushrooms rotting on a log, and that log, was the house! So, hai. Still must go to school tomorrow. Think must shift desks and chairs to the hall for PSLE on tuesday. Oh my gosh. I can't stand it. God bless P6C's girls to pass with flying colors, or pass with floating pigs.
Check out this link: http://www.pwned.nl
Damn cool and funky! But there are vulgar words in there like the FU*k word. (Don't watch while your daddy mummy is there!) :)

Friday, October 01, 2004

Lalala. Holiday today. I've been a bad girl. Not staying at home to revise my work, but went out instead. I will revise, when i have time, that is.
went out with my cousin today. Watched the movie white chicks and i tell you, i rate that movie 10/10! It is hilarious! It can make you go laughing like crazy! I don't really want to type out the whole thing here, but anyway, just go watch it! Eve, it's also by the same person who created scary movie 3. So you should now know how funny it really can get.
Cousin went for her organ lesson at 4. I was reading a book while waiting for her. Felt that the book was too boring, went to Times instead to browse through the books. Then she came out, and i went in. Jean was there already when i entered. Then cheryl, then rebecca. Mrs Goh wasn't wearing her girdle like last week. She said she didn't have to wear it everyday, but on alternate days. Pity her:(
I must say, going out with my cousin is like, sitting alone with no one in the park and talking to yourself. She doesn't mix well outside.
Had KFC for dinner. Ate the zinger meal with coleslaw, and was it nice! So full now. If only some other friends could tag along with us, then we wouldn't feel so bored!
Love posting at night. Like, it gives me more, inspiration? to write.The moon, so bright:)