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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Happy children's day to all kiddys and kiddos! Although i know it's a little too late to say that, but still, it's no crime and offence. Anyway, i didn't have to wear my uniform today. 3 cheers for the teachers! Then i wore this green t-shirt with a teddy bear picture at the right side. And everybody was like, 'eh joscelyn, mr bean gave you his teddy bear?' or 'joscelyn! So cute! Not you, the bear! Aww..' and they will all want to touch it. I feel sad. They said that the teddy was cute, but not the owner. Aww..
We had children's day celebration today. Was it cool! Like i said before, they had a match today. The teachers won! Boooo.. Like when Mrs Zulkifli was saying' come on girls! cheer for the teachers!!' and the hall was like, ok not totally silent, but, some stinking people, helped the teachers. Grr.. Can't blame them actually. They can support anyone they want! If only Mr Lim wasn't in the game! He was like, an extra! The girls were trying their best to pass the ball around, and then Mr Lim's big body figure just burst in and catches the ball! No fair!
But Miss Loh is like, the only teacher who truly shows her sincerity in giving us the presents! She wrote this song, which was totally rocking! And it was so touching too! Although the gift she gave us was simple, but at least it was handmade! Not like the other teachers. She must have burnt her fingers too.Thank you Miss Loh!
The whole thing was totally cool! The p5,p4,p3 was kind enough to bring up food for us! I wonder if they have enough to eat at all. Although it is children's day, we still had to stay back. How sad! But it was fun too. I played badminton with Charis till 4.30 pm. Then we walked downhill together. Although there was a light drizzle, but it still is quite irritating. Because the raindrops will like, fall into our eyes when we look up, which caused us to find it really hard to play nicely.
A nice beautiful day today, although it rained. Rock on teachers!!:)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Abidin n Chin. Who will win? We all don't know. Wait and see. Hah! Of course is Chin! She just needs to show her temper, then everybody will start giving in to her. Comfort her and all that shit. And Abidin can't stand not being friends with Chin. Lol! Loser is she! Boo! You disgrace us! Anyway, we had many gifts from the teachers today. And we're gonna celebrate children's day!! Yay, not. We don't get to celebrate, but we get to watch the hilarious performance performed by the teachs. I think there will be a 'captain ball' game tomorrow. The teach's vs the kids! The kids haven't won for a long time. Since the teachs have miss loh and the crappy teachs. Hokay. Let's see what i got today. A 'pencil case' from the PTA, skipping rope from school, too tired to name them all. Bo chap la! Thank you Eve! You 're, ok, not the best, but good enough! Thanks for the things that you sacrificed for lil me! I am important!! Mrs Tan's gift was the most ex i think. Since she like to keep telling us about her son and daughter. Like we are the ah mas and all. Thanks to Carissa Abidin too! For teaching me that, whazzat called? I don't know! It's a song by coldplay i guess, on the piano! Although i still am confused from all that changing of chords, but i try my best! Go Jos! Anyways, today is nice, and tomorrow will be better! :)

Friday, September 24, 2004

Currently listening to GOLD 90.5fm. Real nice. But the voice is like, sound so muffled. So, i can't make out the words. Thanks to Eve for recommending 95 fm. So, i stayed back for English supplementary today. It wasn't boring like previous times. Before going for supplementary, i went play badminton with Charis and some other people. Then Eve and Shereen came down, met us, and said hi! Her friends, those who said that i was 'polite', saw us play too. It wasn't that fun, till Balvinder came afterwards to play. It really was fun! She has the same standard as me in badminton, but she's, of course, better. We can play continuously and never stop. Except if one of us cannot hit it back, which is always me.
Then i went for organ lessons and walked down with Charis and Rebecca Lim. We played badminton before we went, and i was teaching them some, styles on how to play good badminton. I am a good teacher, not. LOL. Then while we were walking to Plaza Singapura, there were mimosa plants around. And Rebecca started to use her, lantern to try and 'touch' the mimosa plants. Actually, it was more like she was torturing it. I feel sorry for the plants. She was trying to stamp on it. A good thing, there was such a good girl like me to stop her. Else the plants would have been 'murdered' by her. I feel sad for Mrs Goh having to put in a girdle at the back of her body. She has the same problem as Mrs Tay. I got my class photo today. Did i look stupid! The fun shot was still the best. Then in the card are the words 'the best years of my life...' And i went around the class to get their autograph and all. Then stinking Eve Hoon bracket the 'the best' and signed her name on it. She is so, confident of herself. Real dumb to write that, Eve!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Oh. Think twice.
It's just another day for you and me in paradise! Eve Hoon. If this is what you think is in the 70's, then i wonder if you are from the 60's. Just how do you do it? Being able to remember every single word of a song, is way cool! Like every song i know, you know it better. That's pathetic for me! You make me feel like a, loser?
I feel happy today. Because i finally realise what good friends are for. To treat you good right? But. it's the other way round for me. Dumb. Like i care?
I find P2 kids really friendly! There's this girl, in my bus, treats me well, and talks to me about movies! She's cute, and friendly! Love people like her! If only everybody can be like her. It's because she's innocent.
Jessica Yu says that i am Eve's bodyguard. Like, NO WAY! If someone comes to rob me, i would have ran away. Let alone protect someone, like Eve. No. It's because when Jess kicks Eve on the leg, i will go," Eh! Leave her alone!" Then i will kick her, then wave and say politely,"HI!" LOL. She does feel that it's funny! Shit the teachers for giving so many homework! SO SO MANY. If you wanna read more, go to Eve's blog. Part of my day is there. And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRO!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A little, mm, technical problem here. Can't seem to get that music. Out of the player. Stupid. It's either some commercial stuff, or someone singing crap. Well, i will try to change it if possible.
Hmm.. What happen in school eh? AH! Played badminton in the morning, recess but not lunch. Petty girl. Just don't talk to her for a while doesn't mean forever. So balvinder, get the facts right!!Trying to pounce on michelle once i no talk to you eh? Clever and sneaky. No talk bout this anymore now.
Amazing how i can finish that one load of homework every night. And sometimes hand it up everyday. Can't wait, till tomorrow, when aunty Nancy's here, my troubles are gone in the wind. Joking. Don't care if Eve's temper good or bad, anyway, must try to put on a smiley face tomorrow. Fake or real.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

No need to stay back today. So lucky. Anyway, if stay back, also cannot play badminton. Because today raining, so, cannot play. Well, yesterday, Eve Hoon says that her temper was very good. And she said that she was going to change it today, to her old grouchy self. But, no. She didn't. She wouldn't dare. If she did, i will kill her. It's PMS, she says. Still can't think of what to write now. Hmm.. Ah! I am going to change the music in my blog. Listen to the song FULLY. It's really nice and 'soothing'. And Balvinder, you have to say 'thank you' to me. I help you burn the CD. DO DO remember to tag something on the board when you come!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I'm lovin it! Delicious Macdonalds! Do you people realise that almost everyday i talk about food. Maybe i should change my blog's name to FOODILICIOUS. Right? Eat Eve Hoon. Tuition today was boring. Like always. Teacher, like always. Leaving me alone, to do my work. It's really frustrating. Doing test papers at home, tuition and in school. It bores me. And i think the rest, right?
Everybody changes their blog's address, they don't tell me, but they tell Eve Hoon! Then when i visit the old one, i get a load of crap. That bad eh? So people listen up! I demand you all to tell me your new blog address IF you ever read this post. Thank you vedy much! Oh yea. I forgot to include somethings which happened in the computer room during english supplementary on friday. When Eve Hoon broke the pen, green coloured ink flew, not really flew, to Balvinder's leg which was like, in a 'cross-legged' position. Then Mrs Tan saw it and said," Balvinder, please put your sexy leg down!" And everybody started laughing. Then afterwards, Mrs Tan continued talking to us about if we want to come back to visit her next year, we have to have our name-tag on, else she won't be able to remember our names. So i said to Balvinder," Bala, don't worry having to put a name-tag on. She will definitely remember your sexy legs." Then everybody laughed again. Well, not everybody. But, quite alot. So balvinder, congrats for sexy legs! *laughs*

Saturday, September 18, 2004

It's ridiculous, and dumb to cut a birthday cake with a chopper used to chop chickens and ducks, isn't it? Yes, it definitely is. That's what my brother did. Stupid restaurant. They don't even have a small knife! Well, not a pocket knife. But at least a knife which is much smaller than a chopper. Right? Then we all took a picture with the cake, the chopper still sticking out from it.
The food was dee-lish. Like i said before, we ate yummy yummy dim sum at Harbourfront, the cable car tower. I love my family. I felt very warm when we sat together and ate. It was like, everybody caring for each other. How nice.
Went for my second guitar lesson today. It wasn't fun. Now, i suddenly lose interest in playing the guitar as it hurts, my fingers. And mum asked me to wear a glove there, to protect my delicate fingers. Well, it isn't delicate anymore, on account of having to press the strings which are like, hard? Yea. Hard. Had brownie today too!! Nice brownie, with vanilla ice-cream. It's at basement 2 of Plaza Singapura. I love brownies, with vanilla ice-cream!! :)
Had my listening comprehension exam today too. Easy shit. English is better, of course.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Eve, don't quote from my post, thank you. And even if you don't change the name, i know who you are referring to. It's that easy.
Patricia didn't bring her racket to school today. So me and Balvinder didn't get to play badminton, well, sort of. I mean, if you are really desparate to play badminton, and you don't have a racket and a shuttlecock, what are you supposed to do? And you can't play with your hands! So, i have to go around begging all those stinking people to let me use their stinking rackets for a while. Like it is everytime! That's so not fair! If my uncle's rackets weren't spoiled, i wouldn't even bother to talk to them. Sickening people. It's because of them that make this school so imperfect.
Staying back for english today is fun. Because Mrs Tan was telling us all about her daughter, being stressed out and all, then pulling out her eyebrow hair. Gross. She discovered a patch at her daughter's eye(above). Then stinking Eve broke her pen into half. I know how she did that. She was trying to take the back cover of her green pen. But instead, she broke it. HAH! I knew it! I am born genius! Celebrating my bro's chinese birthday tomorrow. Going to be at a, sort of, dim sum restaurant. It will be delicious, as people recommended. You know, the sort of things. Still can't think of whatever i have to buy for that brother of mine.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Kill Eve Hoon. *Kill, Kill* I can't believe Eve Hoon did something so bad to me. Lil ol me. When i have treated her so so well these few years. Months, actually. Kill! It's a pity. Stayed back for Science supplementary lessons today. It so was boring. But at least Mr Lim had some heart in his.. heart?. He gave as A break. A short one, which was when me and Balvinder get to play Badminton. Damn. So fast have to go. So cut now. Bro's B' day coming soon. What shall i buy for Lil him? No no. I have to go. Will continue tomorrow. I think.

Friday, September 10, 2004

A happy day for me, Yip Yip!! Went to organ lessons today. Added music to my blog without Eve's help! Thanks to neopets guide, of course. I love this song! First time seeing Jean wear a sleeveless shirt. Coolly! Woke up at 6 am today. Vision was blurry, but still could see. Miss my bro who went for a camping trip! BOO HOO HOO!! Like real(NOT REAL). He will be back tomorrow. So there's nothing to be missed of him. There are so many pictures of him everywhere.
After organ lessons, ate at Pizza Hut! It was de-lish! My poor lil tummy is so bloated till i can't really sit upright. Vanessa coming home tomorrow! Yay! Then i won't be bored anymore. But's what to be happy about? When she comes back, school re-opens already! So, she can stay there, not.
Can't can't wait. Tomorrow's Lisa's birthday party. I am still figuring out what i should wear. I got a present for her already. It's really nice. To me, i don't know what she will think of it. It's gonna be a BBQ! I am excited, i am so hip and hap-hap-py! Arrive, tomorrow! Gotta go help mom change the bedsheets. Tiring job! Good bye for now! XOXO Lil's Jos..

A well-known speaker started off his seminarby holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked,"Who would like this $20 bill?"Hands started going up.He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of youbut first, let me do this.He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill.He then asked, "Who still wants it?"Still the hands were up in the air.Well, he replied, "What if I do this?"And he dropped it on the groundand started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty."Now, who still wants it?"Still the hands went into the air.My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson.No matter what he did to the money, they still wanted it because it did not decrease in value.It was still worth $20.Many times in our lives,we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirtby the decisions we make andthe circumstances that come our way.We feel as though we are worthless.But no matter what has happens or what will happen, you will never lose your value.Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased,you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you.The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know,but by WHO WE ARE.You are special- Don't EVER forget it.Count your blessings, not your problems.And remember: Amateurs built the ark ...professionals built the Titanic.If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Monday, September 06, 2004

(Please guys, if u ever read this post, please change ur link frm http://www.jos-named-jock to http://www.life-is-a-tragedy.com. Thank you very much! Gives to Eve, Balvinder)Poor little chippy! Mad about Duncan from Blue and now finds out that he has a girlfriend. Isn't that tragic? Now she is talking rubbish. Anyway, WOW! So long never write already. Too lazy or is it becoz i m busy? I am so glad! Finally started my guitar lessons on Sat 04/09/04! So happy! There were 7 people in that class. It was so so cool. I started learning 2 chords. Although it was painful pressing the strings, but it was worth it! I LOVE GUITARS!!! It's like, so damn cool! Good thing i knew none of the people there. But they are all so friendly. Except for the boys, as usual.
Let's see...
Holidays are here, it is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, but it is boring for me. Cousin went to Shanghai for exchange program, brother went out with friend to some sort of an army open house thingy. I feel so alone! Nothing to do except for homework, homework, and even more homework. Wonder if the teachers are mad for giving us so much homework. Like we don't have enough to do.
So excited for going to Lisa's birthday party on this Sat. It's gonna be a BBQ. We are all gonna play badminton there. It's is so so cool! Can't wait! Tue, wed, thurs, fri, then SATURDAY! Come on...Saturday..